Learnging New Tools
Hi CT!
I have a question...
Instead of eating (outside of your planned food), what do you do when food comes knocking at your door?
I am experiencing a bit more stress right now in my life's journey and food is calling out to me. I plan not to answer. But think I need some helpful tools.
So I would love to hear what others do that is healthy and gets you past that moment.
So if you feel like it, answer this question:
INSTEAD OF EMOTIONALLY EATING, I ... (fill in the blank)
1. Contact OH friends to listen and support over the phone or email
2. make list of your new small goals for this Summer and will reach of one of your goal lists.
3. look at your before picture and think about it. We do not want to go back our old Towanda and stick with your tools for new Towanda
4. Foods do not comfort your emotionally eating, get hug or talk with other person is healing for emotionally eating.
5. Make a date with one of OH to get together and talk and also alot og hugs!
You know how to reach me SMILE!
Kathy K
Hi Towanda,
Kathy listed just about all of it...but I'd have to add:
Instead of emotionally eating, I'll take a large drink of water to fill me up and take a brisk wal****il the feeling subsides...
Another way to avoid it (this is graphic) to imagine the "bad" food that's calling you covered with poop. That's enough to turn anyone off!
.....take a Xanax.
.....take a moment for myself and SHOP (for new smaller clothes)
......go on Pogo on the Internet and play mindless games
.....walk around the mall(different from shopping this is just people watching)
......throw the food to the chickens and watch them peck each other to get it.
.....eat a better choice- a few crunchy baby carrots a few soy chips......
.....clean something- in this house even with a cleaning woman once a week- there is always a mess to clean.
Carol Jean (CJ)
on 6/6/06 5:29 am - Non-Op, CT
on 6/6/06 5:29 am - Non-Op, CT
Hi Towanda...
Everyone pretty much already said some great ideas. A few things though, that I like to do which haven't been mentioned yet are...
...#1 keep that brain BUSY!!! -- whether it's picking up a book (along with a tall glass of water, fools your brain into thinking you're eating -- all it wants is the sensation of having your mouth to be occupied.), trying a crossword or other sort of puzzle/brain teaser, start a household project... etc etc
... take a nap! I found this is the EASIEST way for me to get over head hunger. If I just take a tall glass of water and lay down for a nap, I'm not hungry anymore.
... go out for a drive
I hope all the suggestions help you find your own system for conquering head hunger!