vitamin deficiency??????????HELP FOR MELINDA
my friend melinda had open surgery in march ,this year,she has had many problems,she has been in for two endoscopys since surgery for strictures and can hardly keep anything down,now she is getting dizzy.she called dr.giovanni and got the doctor on call,who said it could be a vitamin defiency.does anyone or has anyone gone thru a vitamin defiency from dumping? she asked me to post this to find out some awnsers to help her.please let me know if anyone has gone thru this so i can relay to her..thanks,,,cyndee
Only blood work will find vitamin deficiencies...
She's got to try to take her multi vitamin twice a day
B12 daily (1000mcg)
Get all of her protein in.
Drink all of her water.
Get a little bit more sodium in (in case she's got low blood pressure) broth is good
She should call the doctor first thing this morning and get in to be evaluated.
Hope this helps