Wish Summer is longer than Winter!!!!
Hey Everybody,
I looked at my palm Calendar and I could not believe that I am booked all weekend until my surgery for TT and Breast lift this Summer. Summer always short and fast than long slow Winter time! There are so much fun during Summer time. Before I had this WLS , my calendar was not full booked like this, now I do because of my exercise, can try new things with my kids and always look for try new things and keep busy myself around outside from our yard and help my hubby to work in our addition. I am sure you feel the same thing with me about this
I will try roller blades this summer because I always want to try this and I am doing to do this with my son 's help
Kathy k

Hi Kathy! Nice how we can share so much more with our kids now that we have shed a few pounds! Ray and I bike ride, go for walks, swim. The best parts are the conversations we have with our kids, one on one. Know they are just as special to them as they are to us! God Bless you on Roller blading! I'm too afraid of breaking a hip to give that a try! Have fun and "Be Careful!!!!!!! LOL Take Care!

I recommend practicing with a shopping cart or walker...for the roller blading, not the TT and Breast Lift!!!!!!LOL. Definitely elbow/wrist pads, etc. are also recommended.
Anyway, I also thought about how long winter drags on and how quickly the summer fades, oh well such is life. Got to enjoy it while we can.
Hi Kathy!
I totally agree with you about how winter in Ct is always at least three times longer than summer - and don't you wi**** could be the other way around? Today was just perfection and it wa great to be out and about running around and having fun.
Have a great summer Kathy - and everyone!
Mary M