Hey everyone,
Thanks some of you for your quick responses on my headcount post, I really appreciate it. I hope to hear from more of you.
I just want to say I received an email from one of the members who has a problem with the amount we are asking to help out with this event.
I understand that everyone has financial difficulties and times are hard for alot of us, believe me when I say I am not well off by any means. My husband and I struggle everyday with our bills we have both had to start new jobs and take major cuts in pay. We are not asking for alot here, if you can't afford this then maybe consider coming to our next event when you can. When we said $10 per family we did not consider single people which I apologize for, if your coming stag then $5 would be sufficient enough.
This is a great cause to participate in and we are not in anyway making money personally on this, any of the monies I receive are going towards the rental of the pavilion which by the way was $159 to rent and any supplies needed for the event. The remainder of the monies will go to Carla M for the ASBS foundation.
Alot of wonderful people are donating their time and resources to help out I am so grateful to them for all they are doing and have done.
I hope to see everyone there and we want this to be a fun day and very successful too. Thanks again all.
And I hope I have not insulted anyone in anyway, I want everyone to be able to come to this great event and have a wonderful time and enjoy eachother too.
Don't be concerned. I am sure that it is well known that the occasion is not about money but about getting together and having fun. I am a single gal and I don't think $10 is unreasonable. But i am also sure that if I came to you and said that I didn't have the money that some arrangement could have been made.
You have a great heart sweetie! Don't worry, everything will be fine!
-Christine D.
p.s. As I told you before, my class reunion is that same afternoon so I can't make it but I hope everyone has a wonderful time!
Carol Jean (CJ)
on 5/19/06 11:37 pm - Non-Op, CT
on 5/19/06 11:37 pm - Non-Op, CT
Hi Kim...
Unfortunately I can't make it to the picnic, but I would like to send some money in leiu of my appearance, if that's okay. You can e-mail me at [email protected] and let me know how to go about contributing. Thanks a bunch!
Hey Cyndee,
As always your a sweetie, thanks for posting your support I really appreciate it. I enjoy doing this for everyone and I want it to be a great success, there are always a few out there that are just so negative it makes it hard.
I am a very kind and caring person and I don't want to insult anyone in anyway, I hope everyone on the boards will be coming and will have an awesome time. We are such a great group and we had such a great time at the walk last year and the dance this year.
I can't wait to meet you and give you a big hug to say thanks for all your doing. I am very proud of you, your doing great. My best to you and your family. Take care and keep up the good work.

I cannot believe anyone would be complaining about 10 dollars for this event. It is well worth it and the $$ is going for the best cause ever! Thanks for all you are doing to set this up and I am sorry that you are being asked to explain the money. You have worked so hard to put this together...I for one, appreciate it!