Light headed
Happy Saturday Everyone!
I have some concerns and just checking to see if anyone else has had simular experiences.
Over the past week I've been having bouts of light headedness & dizziness off & on. In addition at certain times after I eat pretty uncomfortable pains start taking place in my abdomen/intestinal area. (My gall bladder is gone.) It feels almost like a huge amount of gas. but it isn't. I thought maybe it was a "bug" of sometype or some symptoms of getting over my period (sorry guys) this week but this has not happened before.
In addition, my lips have been feeling "numb" almost like a shot of novicaine but I can feel...this has been almost continuous for about 3-4 days since the dizziness kicked in. Even after the dizziness/lightheadedness goes away my lips still feel numb.
Today I got REALLY shaky this morning about an hour after I ate breakfast...almost like I didn't get enough food intake or something? I'm wondering if my sugar got low? I ate almost a full serving of yoplait light yogurt to try to counter act the shakiness and it seemed to help. (I haven't been able to sit & eat a whole serving of yogurt so this was pretty much a first for me.)
I'm also feeling "fatique" off and on through out the day like I just want to close my eyes right then when it hits and "nap". This also comes & goes in spurts.
I'm thinking I'm not getting in enough of something for these things to be happening. I take my vitamins religiously and do my best to get all my fluid in daily.
I'm eating pretty regularly usually 3 meals and 1 or two protein snacks of some type if needed. Depending I can eat anywhere between 4-5 oz's maybe a little more if the food is soft.
Thanks everyone,
Well with most of the symptoms I would say that low blood sugar could be the culprit. But the numbness, that I have never heard of being associated with low blood sugar.
But its entirely possible that your body is now needing more food, depending on how far out you are from surgery, you level of exercise, etc.
Also, would it possible that you could be pregnant?
At any rate, if it continues to concern you, I would consult a doctor.
Good luck!