Momoffour Notgonnabefatanymore's in the Hospital
Hi, All!
Momoffour Notgonnabefatanymore called me this afternoon (but I was on my way out, so didn't have time to post till now). She asked me to post here for her. She saw Dr. A. Mon. afternoon and he admitted her to Middlesex Hospital (North 4). He says that her problem has nothing to do with WLS and that she needs to be treated by a gastroenterologist. They've determined that everything she eats is running through her system too quickly, so she's not absorbing much of it. Hopefully they'll figure out soon why that's happening and how to treat it. In the meantime, Dr. A. gave her a B12 shot and she's on IV, fortified with a multi-vitamin. And she's doing her laps around the nurses' station, schlepping the IV pole along with her.
Thanks, Debbie for posting this. I sent her an email to the hospital. If anyone wants to send her an email here's the link:
You can email me for her full name (I don't want to post it here).
I got emails when I had my surgery and it really brightened my day.
I hope that she's feeling better soon and they find out what the heck is going on.