Hey OH Family:
This is not a WLS post, this is just for fun:
Anyone out there an American Idol fan like me???? Just curious to see, who do you think should be the final two. I really wanted Chris to be the winner but all the idiots out there voted him out. I sure voted for him alot. Well anyway who do you think should win.
I myself would like it to be down to Taylor and Catherine. I would really like to see Taylor win too. He has a great voice and a fantastic personality. He is such a sweetie.
Just for fun lets see how we all vote here on the boards. Thanks everyone have a wonderful night.
Before tonight I thought Katherine would be the next to go, but man she really belted out some good music tonight. She did an excellent job on "over the rainbow" I love Elliot and Taylor, but I think Taylor had an edge tonight over Elliot. I think Elliot is going tomorrow and Taylor and Katherine are going to the Kodak.
Just got my tickets for the tour - I actually made a mistake and have 2 sets so if anyone is interested in going to see them at the Harbor Yard, I have 4 floor seats!
I am so mad they voted off Chris, I really think he should of won. I am to the point that I don't really care who wins but I have a feeling it will be Taylor. Katherine is to inconsistant for me, and I like Elliot but I do think Taylor will win.
Can't wait to see the final 2 tonight!!
Nancy K
Hi Kim,
I am a BIG NERD when it comes to AI...I voted last night for Taylor! He & Mendisa were my two choices for a boy/girl combo. I stopped voting after Mendisa was kicked off...I felt like she was robbed...she's SOOO much better than the others that stayed on.
My winner will be Taylor and I think (by a slim margin) Kat will be in the finale with him. I like Elliot he's improved so much but he's not memorable with his performances.
It'll be interesting to see how America voted. Chris was a HUGE upset last week so who knows how America is thinking this time around.
Good topic. But it shows how dumb America as a collective group really is. Can anyone look at me with a straight face and say that the three who are left have ANY real long-term talent? Katherine is no better than a Vegas lounge singer (she'll be starring on Broadway within 2 years), Elliot looks and sounds as if he's got a mouthful of tobacco chew ready to spew, and Taylor is exactly what Simon called him, a drunken dad at a wedding. I almost kicked the TV when Chris got voted off. When the rest of the world calls us "stupid Americans", I can't argue, just look at the final three for American Idol.
Call me angry, but I think there are a ton of people who agree. Chris was the ONLY interesting performer on the show. Mandisa (can you say she needs the surgery), Chicken Little, Ace "I'll be in Playgirl", and Kellie were HORRID.