Another email from my good friend who is Nutrtionist about load of water
Finding Balance/Water..Water...Water
Finding Balance: "The human body is 55%-75% water. This means that weight goes up and down on a daily basis, depending on our fluid status. As a matter of fact, it's perfectly normal to weigh 2-3 pounds more in the evening than the morning, because we retain fluid in the lower body area as the day progresses. Other contributors to water retention include atmospheric pressure, humidity, salt intake, and certain medications. We also lose and gain water in response to exercise and drinking. This is why it is pointless to weigh yourself throughout the day, because the changes are not a true measure of body fat.
Dieting, especially the low carbohydrate plans, result in significant fluid loss, particularly during the first week as glycogen stores are depleted. When carbohydrate foods are reintroduced, fluid is retained and weight goes up. Again, this has nothing to do with body fat.
Lastly, hormonal changes definitely impact our fluid status. As menstruation approaches, it is extremely common to feel bloated, because water is retained as estrogen levels drop and progesterone rises. This is part of the normal cycle of life, and is not a reflection of body fat. Don't even bother to weigh yourself--just accept this temporary change."