WLS Second Annual Summer Picnic
Hello everyone,
Well here it is our final plans for the summer picnic are as follows:
Date: Saturday, June 24th
Time: 12pm until 8pm
Location: Hammonassett State Park, Madison
12 Picnic Tables, 2 Pedestall Grills are available in the Pavilion. We are close to the beach, parking and the restrooms.
Picnic Charge is: $10.00 per person, can be mailed to me or given to us at the welcome table when you arrive (All monies go to the ABS Foundation)
Parking Fee is seperate
Everyone bring your own food, drinks, snacks, bags of ice, supplies, games, blankets, chairs etc. We will all be bringing various things that will be shared with everyone too. Make sure you bring a before photo with you so everyone can share with eachother their stories. A bunch of us will be telling our stories and sharing our journies in the afternoon, so join us.
My picnic team is helping me with various items like tablecloths, trashbags, ice, hamburgers, hotdogs, grill supplies, water and papergoods. But the more you help the better it will help us all in the long run. We need everyone to pull together for this.
We will have Volleyball, bocce, baseball, soccer, swimming, and music going throughout the whole day. Whatever other things you can think of for activities bring them along to help us out in making this a fun filled day for the kids and the adults.
Our raffle will be $1.00 each and (6) for $5.00 all monies will go the ABS Foundation. We do not profit from this personally. We will have various gift items, some people will be making baskets, there will be a handmade quilt made by Kathy K's aunt and whatever else people can donate.
We are working very hard to make this a great success so we hope alot of you here at the CT Boards come and have a great day with everyone. Bring your family, friends and significant others. The more the merrier. We want this to be a fun time with family and friends.
Thanks everyone, hope to see all of you there. Lets make this a great success and have alot of fun too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suggestion make sure you all leave extra early to get here, the traffic is tough on a weekend going to the shore.
Kim and I are looking forward to meet new and old faces on June 24th. Don t be shy and we are big welcome like a big family at the party. Hope you can come and enjoy good time with us! It will be good for pre op people to meet post op people there and ask us many questions about this surgery
Kathy K