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Dear OH Members:
Metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes have reached epidemic proportions worldwide. As we continue our journey in the fight against obesity, it is important to recognize that we have valuable and important insight to offer in the development of new therapies for the treatment of obesity. Your feedback and personal experiences can prove to be essential in helping to pave the way for so many others who are battling obesity in the years to come, and at the same time, benefit you in the very near future! The manufacturer of new obesity technology is asking for your thoughts and opinions in the development of this new technology:
“Please help us as we develop a new technology to treat obesity. If you are struggling with your weight, or have a BMI greater than 30, please click here to take a survey about a product that is under development and that may, someday soon, be beneficial to you. We appreciate your opinions. Please take the time to let us know what you think!”
Click here to begin the survey.
Thank you for your insight and for sharing your thoughts and opinions!
Sincerely, OH Staff
I am working on a holiday project for Marine Recruits who are sick or injured and having to spend time in Medical Rehab Platoon. Many of the recruits don't know if they will get sent home or they will get to see their dream come true. Below is a letter if you can read it and help out that would be great. Thanks, Jenn
I am with a group call Marine Moms Online (MMO). We are an Internet support group for thousands of families of the Marine Corps. Each holiday season we turn our attention to sick and injured recruits at the Training Depots in both
Jenn ~ Obesity Help Support Group Coach~
**In Memory of My Son PFC Jeffrey A. Avery KIA Iraq 4/23/07 **
If you can't stand behind our Troops feel free to stand in front of them!
Welcome and it is normal to be scared. This is a great website to come to to learn and to vent.