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Topic: I'm back in business!!
Hi everyone!
Now that I'm 3 months out from RNY - I can finally stand all day long and not want to DIE...
Before surgery I was only working part time in the salon - and now that I'm 3 months out - not only can I handle working all day - I've moved to my own private studio! I've been there for a month and I'm just loving it!!
I'm looking for new clients and I am in the SW Plaza area of Littleton. If you're interested in coming in for a haircut or color - check out my website and then give me a call!
Good luck on your journey!!
Topic: RE: Calling all Teachers
I have a few teachers in the family and will send this to them. Also this is wonderful, I work for the VA here in denver and we provide health insurance to the 100 P&T veternas familys so I talk with these types all day, and I love it. you might want to send something to use here and maybe we could get the co workers here to do something for this wonderful thing.
Topic: RE: Finally have my Appointments!!!
Good luck on all your appointments. Neat to have them all in one day, and I hope it's not too draining. I also hope you get a surgery date. That's when it all seems so real! That's when I had to take a my first deep breath, anyway.
Topic: Finally have my Appointments!!!
I have been waiting and waiting to start my appointments and I finally have them. I will go in this thursday and see, medical, psych, surgeon and education all in one day. Three hour appt. but get it all done. Hopefully I will come out of there with a surgery date or very close to it. Wish me luck.
Topic: RE: WLS for Teenage Daughter in Denver
Welcome to beautiful Colorado, the best of both worlds. Nice sunny weather and beautiful winters. We just had our first snow on Sunday. I got 7 inches here. So I guess the important piece to know is your insurance type, as they may have restrictions on who you can see, then go from there. I am going to use Dr. Thomas Brown out of St. Lukes but Kaiser also uses Dr. Frank Chae also very good. Both of them are centers of excellence for bariatric surgery. Are you considering surgery for her while she is still a teenager or for sometime after she turns 18? This will probably make a difference in your process I would guess. Hope your move goes smooth and you enjoy Denver.
Topic: RE: I've gone insane!!!!!
Hey Dad. Ihaventrun a 5k yet. I want to try to run the rudolf ramble in December. My knees are slightly protesting. They get sooo stiff after I run. I have an appointment with the Dr. next week. I think I just started to much to soon. I backed off a little and will try more strenght training in my legs and knees.Maybe the oliptical????? I just don't want to get the standard Dr. reply (just walk don't run) Maybe a cortazone (sp) shot or two???? Not ready to take no for an answer.
We are talking about running the Bolder boulder in May,I think its the same weekend as Allies hockey tourney in Omaha??? Will have to see.Have ya got a date yet????? Will you be drinking Cristmas dinner
Or will it be after the first of the year? Have a great night
Love Amy

Topic: RE: I've gone insane!!!!!
Way to go! I remember years ago when that race was just getting started. I think they used to run to Leadville. You got a year to train for it. You'll be ready. I didn't know you were doing 5k's. Maybe I'll come back to Colorado and run the Bolder Boulder with you next year. That was always a fun, if not crazy, race.
Topic: RE: Snow
But do you love the landscape with all the snow? I love looking outside and seeing the mountains covered in snow!