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When I was taken to the hospital for (What turned out to be) an eight week stay, the staff at Rose Medical Center (The hospital I go to for all my other care) stuck IVs in every place they could think of. Arms. Legs. Heck, for awhile, they even had to stick a LONG line down my shoulder (That thing was A MONSTROUS sucker too).
Then came THE CATHETER. Ohh boy. I was surprised they didn't knock me out before sticking that thing on. THAT HURT.
Before my surgery, I told the staff at P/SL and CBSI up front that if they were gonna EVEN ATTEMPT to put a catheter on me, they would have to either knock me out in pre-op or wait till I'm under the anastesia (sp?) in the OR to do it. Suffice to say, they told me they wouldn't have to put one on and didn't.
Anyway, there I go again. Straying too far off subject. When will I ever learn?
Although the bank is just on the south side of the apartment complex I live in, I began to wonder if that short distance was enough to possibly cause me to come down with some kind of cold which could possibly threaten to cancel the surgery.
Suffice to say (And most fortunately), it never came to pass.
I also found it quite amazing that I had actually LOST a little bit of weight just before the surgery too (But I'm sure some of that depended on the scale too as the one at CBSI is off by a pound or two from the old fashioned ones my PCP uses. I know this because I once had back to back appointments with them. CBSI one day and my PCP the next).
Anyway....I hope I haven't *confoozed* anyone by all of this
Apologies in advance if I did.
Try putting something in the blender or magic bullet. I ate chili and also a chicken casserole that way. No chewing but I got the flavor!
No chewing there either (And the pasta noodles are similar in size to what you'd find in those Lipton Cup-O-Noodles boxes), but it still had the flavor.
That said, I can't wait to have my first post-op Subway six inch Veggie Delight (Now THAT would be real food).
I received my band on the 22 of January, I was so excited, so driven to do well, and I did: until. Untill the surgery restriction lessened. Until I could eat what I didn't want with no problem. I am sad now. I feel slow. I feel like i have sabotaged myself again even after spending all this money, healing, facing myself and my family. I get my first fill tomarrow and cant wait for the feeling of full to be less than two plates of dinner, less than handfulls of empty calories. I guess I could use someone who has been here to tell me how this is normal. I need to hear I am one of many in this private battle of mine.
As for eating, I could've INHALED food I ate once I got out of the hospital, but I knew what that would lead to.
Getting back to more of the point, THE most frustrating part I find is having to eat meals NO BIGGER IN SIZE than one VERY small shot bowl with a pre-packaged bowl of Jello (But that's just for breakfast).
What's even MORE frustrating is trying to cook a bowl of Cream Of Wheat WITHOUT it looking like soup OR running over the top of the shot bowl while inside the microwave. Fortunately pureeing (sp?) it up with some yogurt helps a lot to replace sugar (I'd get Splenda but that stuff is EXPEN$IVE).
Anyway...I hope this helps if in only a small way.
We are meeting again!! Please Join us!! When: Thursday - April 10, 2008 Where: Bumble and Bounce House of Bounce 8000 S Broadway, Littleton, CO 80122 3 blks N of C470 on Broadway - behind Wendy's TIME: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Everyone is welcome!! Including kids - if you have a difficult time finding a babysitter. Email me if you need more information. Hope to see you there! Yvonne
It is really so different depending on the insurance and doctor you have. Some need one year documented dieting before they are approved. If I had to guess most people it takes about 6 months for the whole process. Some people have had to wait years to wade through insurance problems though. I was anxious to get it done too. Just remember what the end goal is and tell yourself that no matter how long it takes that it's worth doing. And then there are us at the military bases where it can be around a month. I had my first appointment with my primary care doctor to get a referral for the general surgery clinic in December 2006...I had my surgery on March 15th 2007. It took me a month to get in to see the month to get all my appointments/tests/classes finished and one month to have the surgery. Good luck! ~ Christal