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Hi everyone: As you can see on my Twitter profile page, I've been TXTing about my first complication. Let me briefly summarize what I've been going through.
Back on Thursday, I had my last fill. By Friday Night-Saturday Morning, I noticed I was having problems holding food down. I was following the diet as I should, but yet I was still having problems. The problems were mainly a persistent regurgitation and barfing like every five minutes while attempting to eat.
Yesterday, I went back to get some saline removed but was told that even though the saline was removed, I'd have to REPEAT the dietary system.
My question is has anyone else here had that problem and, if so, what did you do to solve it?
BTW....Feel free to follow (That's "Twitterese" as it were for SUBSCRIBE) me on Twitter as I clone my blog and TXT my journey away over there. :)
Cheers :)
ObesityHelp and Dr. Trace Curry's team at the Center For Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery are excited to provide the community with some great information about one of the newest weight loss surgery procedures, the Realize Band.
The Realize Band Forum provides you with general information about the Realize Band procedure, as well as specific information about insurance approval, diet and nutrition, choosing a Realize Band surgeon, and answers to some of the most frequently asked Realize Band questions. You can also Ask Dr. Curry questions and interact with your peers on the Realize Band Messagboard!
Check out all of the following resources in the Realize Band Forum:
- Realize Band - What Every Patient Should Know About Insurance Approval
- Realize Band Diet and Nutrition
Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist