Relocating to Colorado Springs
Hi Lynn. There is a support group in the area. I have been attending it so that I could get a better understanding of the whole procedure. I haven't had the surgery yet, but I know this group has been very helpful. Usually there are between 20-30 people in the meetings. Here are a couple of names and numbers for you to contact. They are always welcoming new people: Kay Jones, 719-475-1306. Steve Cohen, 719-522-1991.
Welcome to Colorado!
VSG on 02/28/13
Is this the one at Penrose Hospital? I went about 3 years ago, but decided it just wasn't the right time for me. Well it is now, and I'm going for the Lap-Band.
VSG on 02/28/13
I haven't been in a LONG time, maybe 3 years? How many people in that group have the Lap-Band? I'd love to start attending. Do I need to call one of the people you listed above to get the meeting info?
I don't have a date yet, but am hoping it will no later than October. My surgeon said they usually can do surgery with-in two months of insurance approval. The only thing I'm worried about is the 6 months supervised weight loss. (required by Aetna)