Insurance, self-pay and a journey to change my life...
Hello. I am fairly new to the process... I attended a seminar a little under two months ago and have begun the journey to change my life. But, I have had a few issues along the way. I found out last week that my insurance will NOT cover this because it is an exclusion from the employer. That cannot be changed. I found out yesterday, while looking into the self-pay option, that the montly payment will be $475 - $500 per month. With two small children, that is just not something I can do for the next five years.
So... I am here, to appeal to anyone with knowledge of insurance to suggest to me an insurance plan that is more willing to approve the surgery. I will obtain the insurance on my own, without employer input. If anyone can suggest an alternative plan or idea, I would greatly appreciate your efforts.
Standing at the fork in the road...
I had to self pay. I went to Dr. Pettine and to Harmony Surgery Center. I would highly recommend him to you. The surgery center is so much less expensive but the treatment and care is over and above any care I would have expected. My surgery at the surgery center was an up front payment of $9,900.00 and Dr. Pettine was $3,250.00. I know that prices may be different now, but this was back in February. There phone number is 1-888-699-6272 or 1-970-482-3921. You can always check them out. They are out of Fort Collins. Don't let your insurance problems keep you from getting what you need. I fought mine for 3 years. I did use that time to attend support meetings and learn all I could about the surgery and the life style changes. Hope this helps.
I know/knew someone who had his RNY through that center in Ft. Collins. He also recommended it very highly and has lost, last I saw him, 250+.
You keep pushing it, hun. You'll get there. Right now, all I have for medical coverage is CICP and I'm about 99% sure they won't cover this kind of thing. I'll just have to wait until we get picked up on Kaiser to even think about it.
Hi Shelby,
I am a Colorado licensed insurance agent. As you are probably aware many insurance companies deny coverage to begin with but will relent with proper appeals. However Blue Cross/Blue Shield does offer a benefit in some of their programs which covers a flat amount and everything over that amount you pay the discounted BC/BS rates not the rates the hospitals charge uninsured folks. This can be a significant savings. Also, I believe the amount of coverage is about $8000 which may cover most of the cost at the facility mentioned in the other two posts. Hope you find this helpful......