Met with Surgeon Today

on 2/11/05 4:21 am - Aurora, CO
Hi, I went for my consultation with Dr. Chae not sure if i can mention his name, today. I thought he was very nice, but a little quick to interupt me. Suzie was very nice, she seemed very high strung. I learned that i now have a bmi of 55, and my blood pressure is way up there. some of that may have been nerves. I go to nutrition class this weekend. My hubby is going with me (for a change) He actually told me he thinks i should have the surgery. My 10 yr old boy however does not think it is a very good idea. He thinks i will turn mean. He says skinny ppl are mean. Too cute. Anyway I am going to make some calls today and try to get the ball rolling the the evaluation and dr. visit for tests. I am looking at having surgery possibly in the middle to late of March. Did not think it would be that quick. Kinda freaky. Just a note as i leave today. I find this is a VERY quiet website. Not to many responses going on around here. Is there a reason?
Mitchs S.
on 2/11/05 7:48 am - Golden, CO
Congrats on your consultation. Dr. Chae is the best. He did my surgery and I have amazing results. Susie is the best as well. Kelly is a great person too, she is so supportive and will totally understand where you are coming from. This board is always quiet. We need to wake every one up and get them going. I would like to invite you to the support group meeting that we are having on the 20th it is at the Standley Lake Lirbary in Arvada. If you would like directions please email me and I will send them to you. It is from 1:30 -4:30. I wish you the best of luck with everything!! Welcome! Much Love, Kris -105!!! 1 day shy of 7 months out.
on 2/14/05 1:58 am - CO
Hi Danette, I just met with Dr. Chae the day before you did. I also thought he was really nice and knew what he was talking about. And Susie was nice as well but I agree a bit high strung! I'm similar to you. My BMI is 52 and as depressing as it seems I am so ready to have this surgery and get back to my old self. I'm also looking at surgery around mid to the end of march. I work and go to school so its hard to schedule around that. I was also in the nutrition class yesterday. Kelly was great. I really learned quite a bit and the class sure went by quick. What other tests do you have to have done before they will submit paperwork to the insurance? I'm supposed to go to my psych eval next wednesday. And then she said she would submit the paperwork. Anyways, I just wanted to say hi since we both seem to be going through the same thing. I sure hope everything works out wonderfully for you. Kerri
on 2/14/05 2:50 am - Aurora, CO
Hi Kerri, I was in the nutrition class yesterday too. How funny. I also have an appt for my psych eval on 02/23 next wednesday, are you see Kaplan? That's who i am seeing. Where were you sitting in the meeting? I was first on the table as you come in the door going along the side of the room. In the blue jacket, you may or may not have seen me or been paying attention. were you in a gray sweater? The little table in the front with only like 5 ppl sitting at it? Maybe we can get a surgery date on the same day and be pod mates. That would be exciting. eh? I am not sure about the tests, i know you have to get a thyroid test done by your PCP. I have that this Thursday unless i can get it changed to coincide with the psych eval. Anyway hope to talk to you soon. Danette
on 2/14/05 6:23 am - CO
Danette, Yeah that was me! I recognized your name from here when you introduced yourself. And yep my appointment with Kaplan is the same day as yours. I think mine is in the afternoon. They didnt tell me I needed any other tests besides the psych eval. Suzie said she was going to submit my insurance info once i was done with the psych stuff. I kept hearing everyone say they had to have all these tests and they didnt mention anything with me. Of course, I dont have any of the weight related problems that others do. I'll have to call and see what they say. Yeah that would be cool if we could get a surgery date either the same day or close. I really need to have mine sometime between the 21st of March and about the 27th of March because of spring break with school. Anyways, its good to meet someone else going through the same thing with the same surgeon! Is your insurance covering everything? My insurance is Mountain Medical and from what I've heard I shouldn't have too much trouble with them. Crossing my fingers. Smiles, Kerri ;)
on 2/14/05 6:36 am - Aurora, CO
My appt with Kaplan is at 2:00. I dont have medical problems either, except i do have high blood pressure now, but i am not on any meds. But Suzie should have given you a sheet of paper in your folder of all the stuff you need to get done. I think everyone has to get a thyroid test. Some have said a pap too. I did not hear anything about the pap, Chae just asked me if i was current with all that. I may call Suzie just to make sure i am not missing anything when i go in to see my PCP. If you dont have any medical problems maybe you dont need as many tests. I too want to have my surgery during spring break. It will also be right around my B-day on the 16th. I hope i dont miss is cuz my B-day is also the same as my nephew's and i dont want to miss his party. He will be 2 yrs old. I think it's so cool we share the same B-Day. Yes, my insurance should cover everything except the Co-pay of course. I have Great West. I need to get busy on my 4 year diet history. I am not sure where to begin. Do you attend any support meetings? I went to one last month. They are pretty informative. And you get to see what different things ppl are going thru. They have some in Aurora, That is where i live. Commerce City is not too far. TTFN, Danette Maybe i will see you on Wed.
on 2/14/05 7:32 am - CO
Well I called Suzie and she said I didnt need to do anything else except the psych eval. My insurance doesnt require much of anything to get approved. The only thing they told me I needed was to be clinically diagnosed as morbidly obese. So maybe thats why I don't have to do the other tests. Anyways, I think my appointment is at 1pm with Kaplan. So I'll probably run into you as I'm leaving ;) I actually work in Aurora. Where is the support meeting in Aurora? I'll probably go to the ones at Sky Ridge but the next one isnt even until March. Okay, back to work and then off to school. Have a great evening Kerri ;)
on 2/14/05 9:36 am - Aurora, CO
They usually post them in the main page on the Colorado thread. I went to one last month and it was right off Alameda, and Peoria i think, Some hospital. Cant remember the name. Glad to hear you dont have to take many tests to get approved. I only have 2 to get done the psych eval, and blood draw. But i know there is nothing wrong with my thyroid. I will probably go to the Skyridge meetings too. I gotta get started on some stuff. Later, Danette
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