Pre-Op Completed
After a long night of little to no sleep, I headed in for my pre-op appointment on 8/6/04. The dieteary consultation was relatively painless and quick. However by the time I was called in from the waiting room for my gall bladder ultrasound, I wanted to hide. I felt like they forgot I was there and had other appointments to get to. I was about ready to send up a flare when they finally came to get me. When that was finally over I was so hungry I was getting nauseous (this happens if I don't eat regularly.) I grabbed something to eat (on the run) to my next appointment, it happened to be almost to the other side of town. I felt like I was trying to juggle too much. After meeting with Dr. Pettine, I went back to the origional location to do my pre-admission appointment and blood draws. After which I was ready to go home. and But I made it and now I just get to wait until 10am on the 30th and I will begin my trek on the loosing side.
Hope to see ya'll there soon