need some prayers here too....
I posted on the december and main board about Denise Young two weeks ago. She is a loyal member of the Aurora support group and she had her surgery in October. Many of you may be already familiar with her story and I may have even posted here and forgot (life has me going crazy
these days). Anyway to refreshh you on her situation- she was having a lot of pain. It went undiagnosed and then finally they figured out she had gallstones. She had her gallbladder removed and while in there Dr. T found a hernia and repaired it. She was doing okay for a while and then the pain returned. She went to the ER and was sent home on pain meds only to return with no relief. Dr. T went in for an exploratory and found that her pouch was being strangulated by a blood vessel(s) and had died as well as all of her intestine connected to it. She has only her old stomach and the arm of bypassed intestine left. There was infection that was not going away and they had to leave her open for a few days for oxygen to get in there. He finally hooked everything back up the end of the week before last. She was doing well, but she has not recovered. She is still on the ventilator. Last I heard is that they are going to be trying to get her off of the vent today and that she has been more aware. Please take a second to say a prayer for her. She has spent so long in the hospital and her friends and family miss her and need her. I can't even imagine her long term recovery without so much of her intestine, but she isn't even out of the hospital yet. Please keep her and her loved ones in your thoughts and prayers and hope that she can make a full recovery.