I'm Home
It's 1:43 in the morning.. Usually that's good for me, but since the surgery, it's bad.. I CAN'T SLEEP!!!!! and if i do, it's a cat nap here n there.. I don't have any complications from the surgery.. Although it only feels like Dr T did nothing but jump up n down on my belly! Everyone one at Swedish was great except for them nosey twits across the hall, wish people knew how to control they're kids.. First thing right out of surgery was bad.. They couldn't get my pain controlled.. My body was having spazm's & the nurse gave me 3 times the normal dose to finally get my pain down to a 3 or 4, plus what i kept hittin my button for.. Don't think i ever shook or cried that much in my life! IT HURT!! I zonked out after that.. I tried the SF jello at the hospital & about gagged on it.. It was gross.. Way too sweet!! The broth wasn't bad but i was doing better on the ice chips & water.. Never knew how happy nurse's got when you went pee or farted.. Was weird lol.. Maria my nurse was way nice, got a sponge bath from her.. I had more nurses but i forget who they were seeing as i was out of it most of the time.. Cj came to visit.. Looked like she just had crawled out of bed lol Then the next day her & Dr T came to visit.. They woke me up & wanted to know if i had questions.. uuhhhhh i dunno? Leslie? Thank you for visiting me & thank you for the plant!! Susan? Thanks for waking me up & visiting me lol Was great to see you.. Everyone else? Thank you for the well wishes!! Another swig of water & i'm goin back to bed.. Thank you all again & for once in my life i'm glad i'm a loser!! Angel
Believe this one.. I was allowed to go home on tuesday if i wanted to.. I said i dont think so.. I stayed the extra day.. Think i got home about 12 yesterday?? Thing's are still fine.. Kinda funny tryin to teach DH how to use the washer n dryer & how to do things around here.. My upstairs neighbor walked in our apartment today, pissed me off.. Says he was lookin for the laundry room.. That's across the hall.. We had laundry in the washer already & without checking, What's the moron do? Put's money into the washer & starts it up! Our stuff got soaked.. I keep tellin Tom i always lock the door no matter who's home or not, now he knows why.. I had some tomato soup today.. Man was that good! Hubby told my mom i didnt feel good (we now know it was because i needed to eat) So she sends him home with a heating pad & a Sprite ugh! lol good ol mom.. Don't think she knows i cant have that.. Kinda nice havin Tom home, but he's startin to get on my nerves lol.. I'm on oxygyn.. Guess i wasn't oxygynating well, so now i have this huge complete set up of the stuff.. I cant get past the smell to use it.. Makes me nauscious everytime i go to use it.. I guess that's it for awhile.. Thank you again for visiting me! & Thank you too Leslie.. Thanks to the rest of you for the well wishes!
Hi Angel
I was really wanting to come visit you. I thought we may be neighbors becasue I was admitted Monday night. I figured when I got up to the 8th floor I would come see you (I started on the 7th) but I ended up on the 5th. I am up at midnight unable to sleep... so I know how THAT goes. Good Luck on the rest of your POST OP Journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully we will get to meet at support group sooner than later!!!