Western Colorado Support Group?
Hi, this is my first posting. I'm feeling a bit alone here in Western Colorado and I know there are members here. Is there a support group in the Grand Junction area? I am scheduled for surgery Jan 13th and cannot believe that it is coming up so fast! Happy New Year. Also, my surgeon asked me to ask a couple people what their worst post operative day was.. Any replies would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Natalie
Hi Natalie,
I live in Durango and haven't found any support groups around here, it would be nice to have one. Good luck on your surgery, I had mine in Fort Collins, December 9th. So far things have been pretty good. I haven't had any bad experiences to report, I tried really hard to stay positive. There were a couple of days I really wondered what I had done to myself. But now at almost 4 weeks, things are going pretty smooth and I have lost 30 pounds, never could I have done that without this amazing surgery.
Where are you having your surgery? I wish you a speedy recovery!
MY Name is Audrey.. I live in easteren Colorado.. I know out here there are no support groups that has started.. However I joined a group on the internet that is based on mostly people in Colorado.. they are very friendly and VERY supportive.. I know that a couple of the girls live real close to both of you.. If you would like to join I think you would both benafit from the group as well they have some monthly meetings and get to gethers.. some of the group are pre op, and as far as post op as of back in the 70's.. however they are trully a very chatty group..lol So I wouldn't want the messages to come to my inbox...lol like around 100 or so messages a day....lol
http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/OSSG-Friends/ And I do know some of the girls come to the hospital when you have your surgery done and visit you in person.. NOw is't that wonderfull!! Please take a minute and join in our group and Have a great bunch of support.. and you can ask any questions concerninng WLS and your presonal life as well.. Hugs and I do hope to see you online.. Audrey