Went to Dr Snyders seminar, Thurs the 26th,
Did anyone else go? It really was an eye opener to me and I do plan on going to the support groups as well but won't be able to go to this next Thursday's. I am really hoping everything will roll into place for me as well as everyone else who wants this. I look forward to talking with anyone who has already had surgery with Dr. S or is going to surgery soon with him.
Thank you,
Michelle, Denver
GoodMorning to you Michelle,
I don't know if you know it or not but there is a real nice WLS support group on line , alot of Dr.Snyder's now patiens future patients and still waing to get a consult with him are part of this group..
as a matter of fact 87% of the group consist of Dr.Snyder. and Dr.Tillaquest patients.. and then there is a few thast have had different doctors or are seeing different doctors.. However 97% of them are all seeing doctors in Colorado.. you can find the support group at..
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OSSG-Friends/ and they are really friendly, you can ask ANY question personal or not with them and they answer them all right off.. please give them a try.. join please you will be so happy you did...