(deactivated member)
on 1/9/11 1:35 pm
on 1/9/11 1:35 pm
You lose weight by first setting an attainable goal, like 10,000 steps a day and no food after 8:00 pm. Then, second, make small changes every day. It’s really true that slow and steady wins the race in weight loss.
You begin with physical activity like dancing when Dr. Oz does, walking in place during the show, and doing push-ups during the commercials. Increase your activity level by making simple changes like choosing to take the stairs instead of the elevator or the escalator.
You begin with physical activity like dancing when Dr. Oz does, walking in place during the show, and doing push-ups during the commercials. Increase your activity level by making simple changes like choosing to take the stairs instead of the elevator or the escalator.