Anyone have surgery at Printers Park surgery center in Springs?
The only way my insurance would cover the surgery was if I went to a center of excellence. Penrose Main is the only one of those in town. My surgeon was also Dr. Fedorak. I didn't know he would operate anywhere but Penrose?
I feel ya though. I would be much more comfortable at a hospital. Maybe see if Dr. Fedorak can pull some strings?
Good luck!
I just love him! I appreciate a doctor that will listen without being in a rush to diagnose. He gets all the facts and THEN he starts talking. He also laughs at my jokes. Most doctors are too stuffy either that or I'm not as funny as I think I am. LOL
I had my surgery 8/21/06. The surgery went fine. A week after I developed a clot in my lung. It was caught soon enough and I was on blood thinners for six months. I'm fine now. I also was "blessed" with a stricture in October 06. That was an easy fix, too. So, a couple speed bumps, but nothing major. I would do it all again. I feel so much better.