New Here...Dr. Kirshenbaum??
I don't know anything about these particular doctors. However, whichever doctors you are considering you definetly need to ask how many surgeries of these have they preformed, how many in the past year, what kind of education did they receive to preform these surgeries, are they certified or did they attend a weekend conference sort of thing, what is their rate of complications, what kind of complications have they had with their patients (not just what is possible, what HAS happened to people), are any skin issues being covered in the price, what sort of after care is offered, is that included with the price?????? If they don't have the time to answer all your questions then they don't have the time to preform surgery on you. Oh by the way...I'm not saying that you didn't already ask the questions. Just my little bit of advise. Great to ask others their experiences though. Good luck with everything. Oh and remember what they say about costs....sometimes you get what you pay for.