What to eat?
I know I will be on a liquid diet and will get more info. on this from my Dr. when time gets closer. But I would like to know what kinds, brands, flavors of shakes and other liquids you all drank and liked or disliked and where you got them from so I can start looking around and pricing. Any help would be great.
My doc did not require liquid diet, so can't be of much help there, but some of the things I like to drink are diet Lipton White Tea Raspberry flavored, and just plain old caffine free iced tea. I am not much of a plain water drinker unless it is ice cold. I did order some samples of protein from unjury, but right now my nut. says to not use them as the kidneys need to get used to all the extra protein we are pushing in our bodies. sorry I could not be of more help...Good Luck with you surgery. Gayle
I guess I should clarify, I am actually refering to the period right after surgery when you have nothing but liquids. My Dr. is not requiring me to lose weight before surgery I am just setting that as a personal goal, but I would like to get more info. on the things people are eating after surgery so I can prepare mentally and check on pricing and such. Thanks.
Right after surgery, my Dr had me on milk for the first week, then I went to Isopure vanilla cream powder. I still use that for my protien drinks now. It became my favorite since there are so many options with the vanilla. I also got the sample pack (I think it was called the survival pack) from bariatriceating.com. There were a few that I liked, but I found if I did not like it on the first sip, it was best to just throw it away because there was no way I could choke it down.
I also had broth (strained italian wedding was my favorite), sf jello, and hot tea. I found that I could not tolerate anything that had aspartame (sp?) in it after surgery, so I could not have the crystal light, sf koolaid and most of the sf popsicles that I used to love pre-op.
Good luck to you! Shelly
I had Chae so you will probably be on the same post-op as me. Have you had the nutrition class yet with Kelly? If not, that class has all the information you will need for each stage. Kelly is the absolute expert when it comes to nutrition, but Dr. Chae not so much. He usually defers to Kelly when it comes to nutrition.
I had a problem with protein shakes, so i can't help you there very much. Kelly suggested I do creamed soups (strained, of course) and that worked well for me. I still can't handle milk, it turns my stomach! Hopefully someone else here will have some suggestions for you. Although I will say I tried to Isopure fruity drinks (I can't remember their name, but hey had cool glass bottles) and they were horrible, absolutely horrible! They look all nice like koolaid and they are anything but.
I'm a water drinker so that's pretty much all I did that first week, that and soup. I know, I'm boring, but it's what got me through that week. It really was the hardest part of the surgery for me.
Good luck!
I did not have the same doc or nut as you so I may have a little bit diferent of a diet. During the liquid stage I ate some broth which was usually the juice from Top Ramen because it was cheap and my niece would eat the noodles. I also had diluted juice, some milk, popsicles, jello, pudding, Isopure and was allowed hot tea which I did not drink. I also drank some of the protein bullets to make sure that I was getting everything in.
I did not vary a lot because I was afraid that I was going to slip of course early. My doctor provided a suggested "menu" for the first 6 weeks so I followed that with just minor adjustments.
I would definitely do some trial runs on different protein powders. I've heard that your tastes change post surgery, however I did not experience it.
I can tolerate the EAS 100% whey protein vanilla flavor, which I still have for breakfast every morning. This was after trying almost every kind available. The great thing about EAS is you can get it at Target for about $14.99, versus higher priced powders available and GNC and Vitamin Cottage, etc.
During the weeks after surgery, I also used the Low Carb Slimfast for a more portable option. It's interesting, the low carb variety has more protein (20g) versus the high protein version, which has 15 g. Also, I ate a lot of sugar free jello, sugar free popsicles and sugar free fudgesicles for a treat. The time on liquids really flies by, it just seems long while you are doing it!