2 weeks post-op and back in Hospital...
Charlotte R.
on 2/27/07 9:37 am
on 2/27/07 9:37 am
Hi Everyone,
This past week has been the toughest in my life. About 2 weeks after my surgery and I am celebrating my 29 lb weight loss I suddenly get the worst pain of my life (including childbirth). I get to the hospital and by the next day I am throwing up blood. My doctor is totally confused as it was not something he had ever seen.
Turns out about 10 years ago I had a Doctor who almost killed me trying to remove a tubal pregnancy and cut through my epigastric artery...they had to bring in 2 new surgeons and they had to cut me open and find the artery and caturize it..I lost a ton of blood and was in rough shape.
Here is the kicker...they didn't put me back right, turns out I had a large piece of small intestine that had scarred together and was in the wrong place. So when I went in for emergency surgery last week (full open surgery...no lap) my Doc found a major bowel obstuction cutting off circulation to the rest of my intestines. He fixed me and I am now recovering...but he said it was very obvious it was the work of a past surgeon and he could see my scar right above the obstruction.
Now today I had to go back because I had a large infected hematoma below the incision they had to drain (gross!!!)
I wish I could say I am excited about the bypass and looking forward to losing weight, but right now I just feel blessed I had it done, otherwise I might have had a much worse outcome later in life...My Doc was suprised it hadn't happened sooner. Once I can stop all my pain meds and I can stand on my own and actually walk more then 5 minutes...I will be excited again, but right now I just want to be out of pain and feeling good.
I hope everyone else is doing well. - Charlotte

Dear Charlotte,
Talk about a mixed blessing! I am so sorry you are going through all this. I wonder if you don;t have a law suit for that former surgeon? But as for right now, you are right. You need to concentrating on staying pain free and getting your strength back. I know there are days when we wonder what we have done, opting for this surgery, but in your case it may very well have saved your life. You don't have to be happy and excited right now about the weight loss; that will come later. Right now, just try to concentrate on being happy about having that ticking time bomb discovered in time. Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing. Those of us on this site are pulling for you.
Janet W