critically low potassium?
My PCP called today and said my recent bloodwork showed my potassium level is critically low. Has anyone else had this problem? She started talking about chest pain and palpitations and getting to the ER if I seemed to have these symptoms, and scared the literal fire out of me. She prescribed potassium pills for me that are huge, and the directions say to take with food and a full glass of water. Now I have been told not to drink for 30 minutes before I eat, and vice versa, so what the heck am I supposed to do?
Oh My Gosh! You MUST contact your bypass doc and ask them how to combat this. I was taking potasium pills and gave myself an ulcer. Potasium is very harsh on your tiny little stomach!!!
My doc advised eating foods high in potasium before taking supplements. You can get powdered potasium and take it in small amounts with flavored drinks thru the course of the day, but be VERY VERY careful about taking the pills!
Go see your bypass doctor about this before you get an ulcer.