
Danielle H.
on 1/16/07 2:18 am - Highlands Ranch, CO
I am one week away from surgery (January 23rd) and I am very anxious. I am not sure what to do with myself. I am working every day up to the day so that I can save vacation/sick time and so that I can keep myself busy. My first question is has anyone had Dr. Snyder and secondly I am getting together my shopping list so that I am ready come next week so are there any items you would suggest getting. Thanks, Danielle
Anna Kris B.
on 1/16/07 4:20 am - Fort Collins, CO
Hi Danielle, I'm back from a long absence from the forums. I had my surgery 4/6/04 in Fort Collins. Sorry I can't help with the Dr. Snyder question. If you had a good feeling about him when you met him, that's a good thing to go by. Our first instincts are often the most correct. What hospital will you be in? Back when I had the surgery they were recommending having plenty of sugar free Instant Breakfast around. It's not easy to find many flavors, but it's one of the first things I was allowed to have. I also enjoyed sugar free yogurt a lot -- and still do!! Make sure you have your chewable vitamins. The only thing I ever disagreed on was the use of Flintstones vitamins (that the surgeon recommended). I just don't happen to believe that's a very good brand. I'd rather used a food based vitamin -- easier to digest and absorb. You'll be able to decide later whether the oral b-12 works okay with you or whether a monthly shot does the job. I happen to get a monthly shot. The other thing to have around would be a little bit of gauze in case those small incisions ooz a little, you won't get your clothes yucky. A couple of mine oozed for 2-3 days and then it was fine. They use water to test to see if there are any leaks, so tha****er tends to ooz out through the incisions. After you've healed awhile, you can start evaluating some protein drinks that are a great aid -- but not to be depended upon. There are brands and flavors galore these days. I remember going to Vita-Lady for quite a while. I don't know if the site is still there, but it probably is. Did your surgeon give you a booklet or anything to follow? Does the hospital or your surgeon offer a support group? We have several different support groups in Fort Collins. Since there is only one main surgical group here, they sponsor most everything. Make sure you have comfy clothes - nothing that binds in the middle. Remember that everything you sip has to be slow and easy. Close your eyes and visualize yourself on the other side of surgery, feeling comfortable and having no nausea. Relax because you'll have plenty of time to heal before you go back to work. Is there someone that will be home with you helping you to remember to drink? I was blitzed and tired for the first few days home, and it helped to have my hubby and son around to wait on me. I'm probably one of the lucky ones, huh? The hardest part of recovery for me was regaining my energy level. It didn't take long to discover that losing weight at such a quick speed takes a lot of energy. I had to be very conscientious about getting that minimum of 60 grams of protein in every day. Know that you'll tire more easily for awhile. Everything will happen at the exact speed you need it to. Follow your intuition and do everything your doctor recommends. They've been through this so many times and have watched all the variations in reactions. They really know what they're talking about. If you have other questions, be sure to ask. I'll be happy to answer. As I said, I'm not sure how many of the "rules" have changed in 3 years, but RNY's probably aren't much different. ~Anna
Danielle H.
on 1/16/07 11:38 pm - Highlands Ranch, CO
Anna, Thank you for all of the wonderful information. It was just what I needed. I am not much a fan of yogurt unless it is frozen but it sounds like I better learn to tolerate it. I have had several people suggest that I freeze it and take it with me That might work. I agree on the vitamins and Flintstones I did not fell comfortable buying them so I have Centrum for now. I will have to look at food based and see what I can find. I have been looking into the B-12 shot also because I think it would be easier to go once a month. The only problem is that I can not get the office staff to give me a cost. They can not tell me if it is covered in the co-pay or if there is additional cost. I have purchased that gauze and paper tape to use. It was suggested that I get the 4x4 pads. Does that sound right? Also, I was warned about the "leak test". The only difference is that my Dr. uses blue Jell-O so that it is easy to see. So, hopefully I will not have too much oozing blue goo. It does look like Vita Lady is still out there so I will be looking into that. Did you ever try IsoPure? That is one of the suggested drinks that I received from the nutritionist. I talked to a couple of people and they stated it was a drink but there was just enough "something" that made it seem like there was a little bit of gel. I am assuming that is the protein. I have a booklet from the surgery but the information regarding diet/nutrirtion is from the nutritionist and it is just screen shots of her presentations. When I went to her presentations she was sooooo all over the place I had a hard time following. I have my pre-opt appointments with the Dr. and the hospital today so I will be asking a lot of questions. I have looked into support groups and tried to contact leaders and it surprises me that none of them have contacted me back. I did find one offered through the hospital so I have written down all of the meetings in my day planner so I can plan on attending. The also offer an exercise class at the same time so I can get the double whammy. I was suppose to have someone at home with me but he has seem to be pushing away out of fear I guess. We talked and he was going to be there through it all and even adjust his life style to be similar to mine but all of that has changed. So, I will be doing this on my own. I am a little worried about the energy level thing. I have always been one that likes to go....go.....go. I will need to get my energy up for work so I have taken 3 weeks off. I hope that is enough. I am also worried about not getting enough protein. I have never been one to eat more than once or twice a day so that is going to be the biggest adjust. Well, I am actually off in 30 minutes to go see the Dr. Again, thanks for your information. Danielle
on 1/19/07 1:05 am - Littleton, CO
Dr. Snyder was my surgeon, and in my opinion he is THE BEST THERE IS. I actually participated in the patient panel at the end of his seminar last night. I know that this is a scary/exciting time, and I won't lie to you, the 2 day clear liquid preop diet SUCKS. A lot of people will recommend that you get bottled Isopure for the preop and clear liquid post op stage, but I found something better. RiteAid carries a protein water made by stacker2, it comes in Orange and Very Berry, and has 45g protein in 20 oz. THIS I could actually drink. I ate jello and sugar free popsicles, drank chicken broth and I ordered a protein taster's pack from I also like the 42g protein bullets made by New Whey. Feel free to email me if you have any more Dr Snyder questions.
Danielle H.
on 1/19/07 2:24 am - Highlands Ranch, CO
Thanks for the information about stacker2 I will be looking into that. I am not a fan of anyone of the drinks but I know that it has to be done. I have a question about the bullets ...are they just a pill that you take for additional protien or is a substitute?
on 1/19/07 5:52 am - Littleton, CO
The protein "bullets" are a 3 oz tube of liquid protein. You can get them in 25g or 42g, but IMO, you might as well get the 42. esp. at the beginning, when you're only drinking an ounce at a time! (Wish they had made the 42g one when I was a new postop!) Those are available on as well. (And I swear I don't work for them, I just love their products.)
Charlie Turner
on 1/19/07 2:33 am - Pueblo West, CO
I didn't have Dr. Snyder but i know a number of people who did and just loved him. I had my surgery done in the Springs. I think the previous post was very informative. I knew I was gong home and would be by myself so I stocked up on water, broth and some baby food. After i returned home and was still unable to drive a friend went to the store for me and got some eggs, cottage cheese that sort of thing. Be sure you have some good books or crafts or whatever to keep yourself occupied. I found that i was very tired and had little energy so every afternoon I would settle myself in my recliner with my water, the TV remote, the phone and something to read. I was set. Usually I would sleep a bit. And the pounds just melted. I lost 24 pounds the first 2 weeks. You are in for quite a journey.
Cheri H.
on 1/25/07 4:07 am - Lakewood, CO
Danielle - I hope all went well with your surgery! Dr. Snyder is great, I know you will be happy with the results. I am two years out yesterday, and would do it again in a second! I have been on his panel a couple of times, and it is great to be able to share with those who are thinking about the program. Use these boards for support and questions, tap into others who have been there! Feel free to ask if you have a problem, or get stuck. Dr. Snyder's office has a lot of support groups if you want to try them. I work two jobs so I have never been able to attend any of them. I use this board to become balanced when I feel rocky! Again, welcome to the loosing side and good luck on this great journey! Cheri
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