Dietition and Psych Evals Done - I Passed!
Met with Donna the Dietition on Monday and Dawn the psychologist today. It was really wonderful. Dawn opened my eyes to several things and I know it really helped me to be able to get a handle on things.
Just waiting to hear from Dr. Fisher's office for a date to come see him and set a date for my surgery.
I'm so excited and feel very serene about this.
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Charlotte R.
on 1/25/07 12:24 pm
on 1/25/07 12:24 pm
Hi Liz.
I finished my Nutrition and Psyche eval on January 12 and I still have not heard from Jodie to get my next appt scheduled and get my surgery scheduled with Fisher and tomorrow is Jan 26...I am so anxious I am going long did it take before you heard from Jodi? I have left her a few messages...curious if she got my gall bladder US I know she got it over a week ago....any advice??
Thanks!! -CHarlotte