OK I am going to fight!
please post on the main message board & put tricare in the title. Alot of tricare people are on the main board & someone will be able to help you! Good luck, glad to see you are fightin!!
We are moving to colorado in January, thought I was gonna have to look ya up & kick your hiney into fighting!! Lol!
Good luck!! Bon
My best advice is to hire one of the lawyers on this site. I've been fighting this for 8 months and now I find myself having to request for an external appeal. I am well over 200lbs over weight and have all the co-morbities but my insurer says it's not medically necessary. I finally took the steps last week to hire a lawyer because I don't want to lose this appeal, you would probably do best having them handle the first appeal which generally is just a letter from them on your behalf. What I've seen on this message board is that they can usually get you covered if it's a benefit your entitled to. Good luck