Hey Everyone,
I just needed to post to get things off my chest. I went to my doctors appt April 16 all excited thinking I was going to get my surgery date like everyone else I have talked too. NOPE, I was put on a waiting list because the surgeons are going on vacation at the same time. Don't get me wrong they deserve vacations but why at the same time. I was bummed but I told them I really needed to get this done like June because my husband could come back home to help me then. So they are going to try but it didn't sound to promising. So I kind of knew in my mind something was going to be different with me. I worked so hard to get my requirements done so that I could have the surgery this summer. It' s usually my luck so I am use to it. My husband is in the army so I go to Evans on Fort Carson. My doctor is Dr Wilcox and he is really been a great doc. So I am waiting for my date I just wanted to get it done so I could start my new life. Thanks to everyone *****ads my whine sesson.