Medi cal and Gastric Bypass

on 11/2/12 12:33 pm
RNY on 04/17/13

Hello. I am new here. I am driving myself nuts with unanswered questions. My doctor just sent a referral to UC Davis for gastric bypass. I have Medi- cal it is a type of state insurance. I am wondering do I even stand a chance? My BMI is 44 I have a fatty liver and high colesterol and low good coleterol. I am terrified of being shot down. am I looking at a couple of years fighting? Is there a waiting period and hoops to jump. I am terrified of not being approved. I have tried a lot of things to lose weight and am becoming dangerously depressed and hopeless feeling. I am 30 with 6 kids and I want to be around to see them all grow up. I really would love if you guys with medi cal would tell me how it goes. Please Please help me I would really appreciate it.

on 11/3/12 1:52 pm
RNY on 04/17/13

Please anyone with any info I would so appreciate it! Even if it is as simple as yes I know they do them or no they dont.

lori B.
on 11/13/12 6:21 am

Medi-cal does cover RNY,  I had mine 18 months ago with Dr. Coates in Modesto,  I had full coverage medi-cal.   I had to diet under a doctors supervision for 6 months.    The doctor's office had a worker that messed up my paper work so the whole process took 11 months ( that person is gone).     In that time I quit taking any pain meds for my fibromyalgia and got myself as healthy as I could following the surgeons recommendations.   Good Luck  Hope this helps.

on 8/17/14 10:03 pm - Los Angeles , CA

What do you mean bu dieting under a doctors supervision for 6 months? What did you do during those 6 months? 

on 7/2/15 12:41 am

hi lori so my doctor refered me to Dr.Coates in Modesto as well.How was your experience and how long was your recovery time?

on 11/13/12 7:33 am - Huntington Beach, CA
RNY on 11/05/07 with

I had RNY done 5 years ago and medical covered the whole processes. If your condition is life threatening then you should have no problem.

on 11/13/12 9:27 pm - CA
VSG on 06/05/13

hi i have medi-cal and am currently going thru the steps to have my sleeve done. i to got a referral  to UC Davis but got rejected as the list is full the only doc that takes medi cal and is doing the sleeve is located in San Jose.

his name is Richard Nguyen i drive about 4 hours each way to see him but totally worth it! keep in mind you have alot of tests and doctors to see in order to have this done..

good luck!

on 11/14/12 1:27 am
RNY on 04/17/13

Thats funny that is where I will be going I believe. How many times do you have to drive out there? it is a 4 hour drive for me as well. u must live in redding ca as well??

on 11/14/12 8:55 pm - CA
VSG on 06/05/13

hi, i am in Paradise the doc is AMAZING never makes you feel like your fat he asked me why i was there to see i poked myself in my tummy and said because i have been fat all my life..he took it all in stride..

sadly he will leave you sitting in the office for about an hour waiting and you are in with him for about 15 minutes

i told him i wish we could Skype for the first appointment his answer was insurance doesnt pay for skype.true answer lol he asks what surgeries you have had and also what all you have wrong with you.i was not ready for the second one and didnt give him everything   my next appointment is next month and i will have all my other doctors appointments and tests done. you have lots of doctors and tests to be done but when its all said and done i am sure i will be kissing his feet when its all done! so very grateful to have this second chance in life!

the drive is yucky, it took my lower back a week to recover. i make my appointments for later in the afternoon  and it puts me in after work traffic to get home lots of stop and go and freakin out about getting rear ended..we have no traffic jams here so its always interesting.

good luck! if you have any questions feel free to ask me if i don't have an answer i know someone who might have them.


on 12/15/14 5:54 am - san bernardino, CA

where is the clinic or your docto´s name?

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