Biggest bank in protein is generally considered to be whey isolate protein, it has almost all lactose filtered out. Whey concentrate protein has NO lactose fitlered out. Protein bars are OK once in a while, but not for the majority of your protein. I still use a generic unflavored whey isolate protein I found about 4 years ago. It mixes easily, has no taste and mixes easily with many soft foods. I routinely use it with oatmeal and SF pudding each week. I also use it to "jack up" some remnant packets of whey isolate protein. Try to mix protein with water in smaller amounts. You can still get 20-25 g protein in 4 oz compared to like amounts in premade shakes that are 11-12 oz. Cashews are not the best choice in nuts. Small amounts of unsalted roasted almonds are better. 15 or so at a time. I also use soynuts with 15g protein per 1/4C, roasted edamame with 14g protein in 1/4c, or dried peas with 6g protein per 1/4 cup. Make you own iced teas and use Stevia for that sugar substitute. Frozen meals that are low in fat or calories are normally jacked up with salt to add additional flavor. Buy some frozen chicken thighs, frozen fish filets or frozen pre cooked shrimp. These are high in protein, easy to prepare, and low fat. I cook any of these in my microwave. Shrimp is put in ceramic soup mug, covered with coffee saucer, and cooked for 3 minutes, drain off any liquid, season and eat. Plasce the fish or chicken filet between two inverted plates in microwave. Cook for 3-4 minutes, drain off liquid, season and eat. You need to PLAN meals, instead of grabbing things on the shelf. You'll save $$ and eat healthier. I'm not a gourmet cook, but these items are very easy to prepare. I even tried some wheat angel hair pasta from Trader Joes the other day. You need to do some form of exercise for 30 minutes at least 4-5 days a week. Even walking a couple of miles is better than no exercise. I got a bike and I use that daily in nice weather. DAVE
Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.