ready give up having a pity party tonight

on 11/30/11 11:30 am - livermore, CA
DS on 02/29/12
 SO i am having a pity party tonight well all day . so i deceided if i wrote out i would thought this would be a save place to air it out . i will see if this is true. I am feeling like a loser and failure  i want my surgery so bad and last january and for the last year have done what i was suppose , then i hit some bumps in the road and gained it back i am trying to get back in the swing i was with eating right and exercise but i just keep failing and turning back to food , i am ready to to give up..
thanks to anyone who listened . 

on 11/30/11 1:58 pm - Sacramento, CA
Uh... so, are you supposed to lose a certain amount of weight before you're allowed to have surgery?


Heaviest weight:  310 pounds  (Male, 5'10")

Marcia B.
on 11/30/11 2:33 pm - CA
You need to not be so hard on yourself :( if it was easy you wouldn't need the surgery but you do have to get back up and dust yourself off :) and try try again.  You can do this.  Don't give up.
Philippians 4:13 -  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
on 11/30/11 8:08 pm - CA
 Don't give up. Everything will fall into place. I'm here if you need to talk. :)
on 12/1/11 12:23 am - bay area, CA
I'm sorry you're having such a rough time of it, but I think I posted to you before that you can end the pity party if you're willing to stand up for yourself and fight the medically unnecessary pre-op weight loss requirement. At least, I think you're the one I replied to, I could be wrong, because you aren't the only person struggling with this.
     You can file a grievance with Kaiser. They will issue a denial, BUT once you exhaust your internal appeals (30 days) you can file with the DMHC, and you can WIN. Here is the DMHC document on this very subject: REV.pdf

You might even be able to do both at the same time, though I'm not sure about that. A phone call by you to the DMHC would sort that out. Bottom line, you are seeking medically necessary health care and this requirement is preventing you from getting the care you need. You can choose to take action or you can continue the pity party. Your decision.

on 12/1/11 10:59 am - CA
Nope, sorry I cant let you do that. Your battle may be taking longer than you would like but hang in there. Remember you are not alone in your efforts to lose weight. There are many of us out here who are not happy with our results. I am going to continue to make efforts to lose weight and improve my health. I would like for you to do the same.
on 12/2/11 3:36 am
Have you thought about counseling? Life happens to all of us and we need to have different coping strategies than using food (also talking to myself). You need to have new coping strategies, whether or not, you have surgery. If you have surgery and haven't learned new ways to cope with stress, then the weight will come back on.
 LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/11 11:22 am - Santa Cruz, CA
Yes, it's a drag. When you get to feeling as if you MUST
put food into your mouth, do a protein shake or a protein
bar. Totally eliminate white refined carbs: no sugar, pasta,
rice, or potatoes in your house. It makes it soooo much simpler
to resist temptation if the "Refined Carbs Poison" isn't in
your cupboard. Believe me, I know this for a fact.

Hang in there, Kid, you can do it.

Inside a year you'll be posting all your "Wow" moments, and
some "Whoopee!!" ones, too.

Best wishes,
on 12/3/11 11:35 am - livermore, CA
DS on 02/29/12
 Thank you everyone for your support . Lynn thank you for the suggestions we are cleaning the cupboards tomorrow  am.. i cant wait for the wow moments.

on 1/3/12 3:06 am - CA
The problems I have with eating the wrong thing have not gone away with the surgery--but my stomach is smaller and my body doesn't absorb all the fat from what I eat. That is why I had surgery.
I wish the insurance people had common sense about this.
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