Good Morning

Living Life
on 9/22/10 10:15 pm - Riverside, CA
Good Morning Calif..

Its Thursday and I am going into work for some overtime. I have not worked in 3 days, but I had some classes on 20th. for 1 1/2 the first 1 was exercise classes. OMG! they tried to kill me. I ran 11 miles a week ago, and that  was easy compared that one hour of working out. OMG!!! And tomorrow, I am walking up an mountain, with a ton of others from work. This should be fun. LOL

Yesterday I done nothing and so hoped to sleep but that didn't work. I was up by 7. I enjoyed my day, but by the end of it, I was starting to feel sick. Great!! But this morning I feel fine. So I guess it was nothing.

I work this weekend, so no plans, but I would like to hear about your plans. What do you have planned?

Since I was not feeling all that great last night, I didn't make any coffee so waking up is going to take long time. UGH! What did I do to myself. But as I said, I was not feeling all that great and that is my story sticking to it.

OK I wish you al la great day. Have fun with all you do and enjoy your moment(s) with friends and family.

on 9/22/10 11:06 pm
Good Morning Lu and Cali friends,

Lu hope you have a wonderful time walking up that mountain!!!  Don't work too hard this weekend.

As for me, today is my last day of work for the week (I only worked 2 days) and then tomorrow is working on the wedding cake.  It will be nice to get all the cake mixes out of my kitchen!!!  I'll take pics and post them once the cake is assembled on Sat.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend, and remember to do something nice for you.

on 9/22/10 11:55 pm
Good morning g Lu and Cali,

well one more day in San Diego, it was nice yesterday.  Hope my trip home is not like my trip up.  I should have driven (it took me 8 hours from door to door with my flight!!).

Hope you all have a great day
eached goal ~ its all about maintaining now!
Stephanie O
on 9/23/10 12:19 am - Happy Place, CA
Yodel eh he hooooooooooo.....Just getting you ready for that mountain you crazy woman.  I won't lecture (insert huge laugh here), but have you really given this mountain idea serious thought?  You might want to check with the doctor before you do this.  It could really do a number on several areas of your body and you want to run Long Beach and if you get hurt you won't be able to.  Anyway, no more lectures.  Well not until tomorrow anyway.  You know I love you Lu.

OK, nothing special here today.  Just your average Thursday.  Oh, did anyone watch the new Hell's Kitchen last night?  OMG, some of the contestants are certifiably insane.  This might be a really good season.  Even Mike said he can't wait for next week to see what happens.  We were just cracking up.

Well time for me to get going.  Hope everyone has a great day and keep in mind, tomorrow is Friday.  That alone will help you make it through those 8 hours (yes Lu, I know, 12 for you).  See ya'll later.

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