~~Daily Thanksgivings~~
Delight in yourself. Relax; lighten up. Let go of shame and fear. The whole picture is perfect, and perfectly okay.
photo by nattu
Good Morning Cali Friends, what are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for...
1. 4 days off from work. This is day 1.
2. My job and how lucky I am to have it and love what I do.
3. Going to the Harvest Festival today with my mother-in-law.
OK your turn, what are you thankful for today?
Good Morning!
Today, I am thankful for...
1. My family and friends.
2. My happiness and health.
3. My job. So many people including my son are out of work and no matter how hard or how long they try to land a job, it looks like it is a real difficult time for the job market and opportunities.
Happy TGIF!
Today, I am thankful for...
1. My family and friends.
2. My happiness and health.
3. My job. So many people including my son are out of work and no matter how hard or how long they try to land a job, it looks like it is a real difficult time for the job market and opportunities.
Happy TGIF!
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
It sure is good C'ING LESS OF ME!
It sure is good C'ING LESS OF ME!
We could learn a lot from crayons:
some are sharp, some are pretty,
some are dull, some have weird names,
& all are different colors....but they
ALL exist very nicely in the same box.
(Author Unknown)