Good Morning, Welcome to Sunday

Living Life
on 9/11/10 10:53 pm - Riverside, CA

Good Morning Sunday....and Calif....

This morning is wonderful. This is why you wake up each morning, so you can see that day start, turn out to be a awww inspiring morning/day. One that was made just for YOU!!

Yesterday at work, we had a code on another unit (where most staff need to run and HELP!) So it was just me in the office and two nurses that I could see on the floor. I was sitting in my office and could hear this noises, not sure what it was, but kep****ching the two nurses, and doing my work. But that noise kept up and it  was starting to bug me, so I got up and walked out  into the nursing station. OMG!! there stood a male patiant. WTF!!! It scared the pp out of me. I stood there for 3 seconds trying to figure out, should I RUN? or should I asked him to leave or yell for help. Now we had a few "not so happy campers" and I didn't know which on this guy was. I don't work "hands On" so this was a very scare moment for me. I voted to YELL FOR HELP!!!! The nurse came in second and walked the pateint out. He was NOT one of the "not a happy camper" but thing could have been so deffernced. And I could have getting hurt or the two famale nurses could have been hurt trying to get him out. So a go hour later I kept thinking what could have happened and end up with a head ache that stayed around until 9 o'clock last night. UGH!!!

OK so that is enough of me whinning and lets see how everyone is doing...

Barb...........what did you get ME at costco? :-D I didn't hear about that fire/gas blow up, until I got home last night. OMG that was so shocking., And them before and after pictures. OMG!!  It hurt my heart for the family.

Elizabeth...........did you get everything un packed? I hate unpacking, that means for sure you home and now you have to get back to work and the grind. I have not un packed from my Stephs trip, hoping we change our minds and go back NOW!!

Susan..............painting is such an easy way to make things look new, and fre****s great that your landlord well let you do the work and take it off the rent. And if you do it your self, you know you are going to like the change. Susan..........I am the landlord. I own this house. No payments no rent. and I think I followed the rule pretty good. I go****er from the pool for the bathrooms and just did shower for a few days. ..............JUST KIDDING!!!!!! I promise! I showered. I have family close by that had

Eileen............I hope you had a better day with your head. I am sure that cupboard attacked you. You should hit it. Using your hammer. It would make you feel so much better. I know I have done that in that past. I hit my head and turned around and hit the draw that attacked me, and ended up with a brokeing finger. SO us the hammer!!!!

OK time for shower and coffee..or coffee and shower...Coffee first.

I wish you all a great day.

Lusty Lu

on 9/12/10 12:52 am
Good Morning Lu and Cali Friends,

Lu, actually if you can believe it I went for a Christmas present for my husband's sister and brother-in-law.  They will be here next Sunday and we will be doing Christmas in Sept because they won't be here for Christmas and it's way too expensive to ship things to Canada, especially if it weight beyond 2 ozs!!!

Had a great day yesterday though, support group in the morning, shopping with my daughter and mother-in-law in the afternoon and making a yummy dinner with homegrown vegges last night.

Today, a nice walk with DrJudi this morning and R&R and a little "homework" that I brought home from work while watching football.  Yeah!

I hope everyone has a great day and remember to do something nice for you.

on 9/12/10 1:59 am - Santa Cruz, CA
Good Morning Lu and all,

Lu, what a scary incident!!! I am glad nothing major happened from it. Working for a politician, I have to deal with people who threaten the Assemblymember's life and our life as staff. I also have to deal with mentally unstable people who claim we've inserted spying devices into them. Working with the random public is always interesting.

I am still just struggling along. I've had one MRI to my shoulder and now I have another one for my neck. The docs can't seem to figure out why I have so much pain in my shoulder/neck area. I didn't know MRIs were like having your body stuffed in a tube of toothpaste. I freaked out at first and then with a lot of self talk got through it. All the pain meds I am given make me ill or itchy. Between my mom and my own stuff, it's been a big suckfest this year.

Today I am hopping to find places for things I've brought back from my mom's house, a mellow birthday lunch for a friend, and some time to read and write. I am keeping my weight stable through all this. No losing, and I've re-lost the weight I gained after my mom passed away. Considering everything, I am OK with that.

Take Care!

on 9/12/10 3:25 am - Merced, CA
Good morning Lu,

Sounds like you had an interesting night. I have to agree working with the public can really suck! I found that out working for the Post Office for 23 years. I would remind myself that for every nut case there are so many more nice people out there. I did not do any unpacking yesterday. I was so tired I was lazy all day. You know what they say, "Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow!"

Barb, I am glad you had a nice time shopping with your daughter and MIL. As you know I love to shop!

Richelle, I sure hope they find out why you are having so much pain. I am glad you lost the weight you gained and am maintaining at that weight. You will start losing again. I hope things settle down for you soon. Just think next year has to be better!

Elieen how are you feeling today. I hate it when I hit my head on the cabinet too!

Susan, when does the painting start? I am going to Dress Barn tomorrow do you want to meet me there?

Well for everyone else on the board I hope you have a great day.

Bebaugh (Elizabeth)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard    

Stephanie O
on 9/12/10 4:08 am - Happy Place, CA
A quick good morning to you Lu and everyone else.  I'm swamped with work this weekend.  Corporate tax returns final deadline is Wednesday and I finally got the work of one of my clients and I just have to get it done.  Part of me says, don't worry about it.  It's the client's fault for not getting everything to me in a timely fashion.  The other part of me says, just get the work done.  So I'm doing my best to make that happen.  It's alot of work though.

OK, so this was my little break.  Now it's back to the grind.  I think I will have your headache from yesterday, Lu, by the end of this day.  Hope everyone is having a great Sunday.  Is the sun even out? I'm in my office in the house and I can't even see outside cause I have the blinds closed so as not to get a glare.  Tomorrow is another day though.  Oh yea, then it is back to my normal Monday thru Friday job.  I am definitely taking on too much.  Everyone else, enjoy yourselves today.  Have some fun for me.


on 9/12/10 4:42 am
Morning Everyone!!!

I have to have alot of respect for people who work with the public, I just cant do it, I dont have patience for it, When i was in college I had to do it, but I honestly dont think I could now, Thankfully I dont have too. :-)

Today Im considering paint shoppping, I cant quite decide between the 4 differ tan colors so a trip to lowes for more samples is in order, LOL The painting will prolly start either this week or next, depends on how hubbys feeling have to take everything out of my bedroom and i cant do that alone! LOL

Hope everyone has a wonderful day, its time for me to hit the treadmill and hopefully not blow my knee again!!
                            Have a Smurfy Day!!!! 
on 9/12/10 8:56 am - CA
Good Afternoon,

Today has been another lazy day for me, although I did tidy up the kitchen a wee bit and made my lunch for work this week. My head is feeling better, still have a headache, but at least it isn't throbbing anymore. Back to work tomorrow. Why oh why do our days off go by so fast. I feel like I just left work, and I have to go back already. I have to do a class this week too, so that is an extra 4 hours at the hospital. How fun. I would rather not, but it is mandatory. I also start physical therapy this week for my left leg. My doctors thinks I could have tendinitis in it. YEAH. Now if that is the case, it is going to take forever to heal, with working and working out. Hopefully PT will help. I swear these days I feel like I'm falling apart. LOL I hope everyone is having a fabulous day, and a fantastic week.


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