Sharing a dream...
I just wanted to share what my husband and I are thinking (if the $$ comes through) of doing - - a LONG distance motorcycle ride!! Here is the link to GOOGLE MAPS showing our tentative route... we are going to try doing what is known as an 'Iron Butt' ride... it is 1500 miles in 36 hours!! Anyway - just wanted to share :) I am so looking forward to the possibility - but am worried that the $$ we are planning this with might not go through - then I will be SO disappointed!! Not only because of the missed ride - but the 8 days away from my MIL... sigh... anyway - please send good thoughts and prayers up that things go as we planned - and that our plans coincide with 'HIS' plans - Thank you!!
~Lady K. ~ (aka: Paula)
The second greatest power on earth is the power to CHOOSE ~ Gus S. Miller Jr.
Dr. Laura Machado - RNY - 4/7/09