Its been 2 years.....
WOW...It has already been 2 years to the day since I began my journey to a healthier/thinner me. And I have Succeeded!!
When I first started this journey I weighed 276. Now I flucuate between 135 and 140. I cant say my journey was perfect. In the beginning (before I hit my sweet spot) I was still able to eat anything and everything and I DID...
Despite the fact that I gave my body this powerful tool to help me, my mind wasnt ready for the change. I was still eating fried chicken, junk food, ice cream..etc...And every month I would bring my food diary in to Dr Averbach and reluctantly hand it to him and bend over and resume the I knew he was gonna kick my @$$..
I did eventually manage to get in touch with my 'healthier eating side' but it took me a long time. I went through many...too many to count..times getting stuck, sliming, feeling absolutely like I was dying until I threw up..I realized that there had to be another way...I had to do this the 'right way', if I wanted to lose this weight and not harm my band...And here i am..140 pounds lighter then when I started and feeling AMAZING!
I am just beginning to look into plastic surgery. My stomach hangs a little and looks like a white chicken skinned Shar my thighs look disproportioned compared to my skinny calves..My breasts..ha...though I do wear a 36D (from a 48D), they are not full and if hunched over could probably hang to my a tube sock filled with wet
It took me two years to reach my goal...I DID IT!!! DONT GIVE UP!!!
I do have more before/after shots on facebook if you care to look. You can friend request me at [email protected]