Good Morning
Today brings the LB Coffee group and that should be a blast as always. Wish I could be there.
Nor Cal Lunch group is meeting today as well.
I just know everyone is going to have a blast, see old and meet new friends.
I am posting from LAX as I have 2 hours to go before my flight takes off. Wish I could go some where to smoke, but oh well, guess I'll eat something so I can take my calcium. LOL
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend planned. My weekend has started with LAX and all the trippy people that are here. On my way to NM and will return to LAX on 7/5.
Elizabeth have a safe trip to Vegas and good luck getting your mother moved.
Monica - you better bring Lucy to the next coffee, I so need to meet her.
Gus & Anna - not sure if you are going to coffee but it is only a few more weeks before Alanis gets here. I am so very excited for the two of you. You are going to be awesome parents and get to be an Honarary Auntie.
See you all next month at the LB coffee.
Have a great weekend and if my air card arrives today in New Mexico (the phone company screwed up) I will have internet access tonight to keep up with everyone and everything here and on FB.
Peace out.
After a very long day of driving I arrived safely. The traffic was not bad at all. We found out that we have to have my Mom out by Monday. My sister has not been paying the rent and they will be locked out Monday night. My husband changed all the arrangements and hired two guys to come pack the truck on Monday. My other sister and her friend who has the friends to help us move can not come until Tues. I just don't know what I would do with out my wonderful husband. There has been no drama since I have been here. I guess it went on all day. I am glad it is quiet now.
I hope you have a wonder vacation Annette.
I hope everyone had a good time at the Nor Cal luncheon.
SmurfSmurf I hope you are feeling well.
Everyone take care!