Good Morning Calif.....
Good Morning Calif, Welcome to Twisted Tuesday...
That's right is Tuesday already, and that means back to work for me. I guess that's not a bad thing, now that Steph and I are planning our trip, "The Girls Get Away" (TGGA) We have not really pick a date or time or a location yet, but we are working hard on it, and we are going!
Yesterday was a do nothing day for me, I didn't even so much as get dressed for then 2 hours all day, and that was to get my nails done, and that was about 2 weeks over do.
My arm is looking good, and feels great, I just can not wait to get the color added. I know its going to be wonderful.
Hey do not forget to check the post and watch for Stephs Dinner post. We would really love to have tons of folks there. So get your behind over there and sign up.
Kim.....sounds like you a great weekend of relaxing and spending time with family. Like you said, that is always good. How was your Monday? are you going to bring me some ribs at work this weekend when you make your famous ribs? I would love the special treatment, care and love. LOL and I am so worth it. LOL did your first meeting with SmurfSmurf go? Did you all have a wonderful time and did you help you relax about the upcoming date? How was you monthly meeting with the Red Hates?
Bubblishouz......water slides? where did you come up with that idea at? What a cool thing to add to a BBQ or family get together. Sound like it would tons of fun. Do you have different kinds that you can rent for defferent themes?
OK kids time for coffee and shower. I wish you all a great day.
Lusty Lu
That's right is Tuesday already, and that means back to work for me. I guess that's not a bad thing, now that Steph and I are planning our trip, "The Girls Get Away" (TGGA) We have not really pick a date or time or a location yet, but we are working hard on it, and we are going!
Yesterday was a do nothing day for me, I didn't even so much as get dressed for then 2 hours all day, and that was to get my nails done, and that was about 2 weeks over do.
My arm is looking good, and feels great, I just can not wait to get the color added. I know its going to be wonderful.
Hey do not forget to check the post and watch for Stephs Dinner post. We would really love to have tons of folks there. So get your behind over there and sign up.
Kim.....sounds like you a great weekend of relaxing and spending time with family. Like you said, that is always good. How was your Monday? are you going to bring me some ribs at work this weekend when you make your famous ribs? I would love the special treatment, care and love. LOL and I am so worth it. LOL did your first meeting with SmurfSmurf go? Did you all have a wonderful time and did you help you relax about the upcoming date? How was you monthly meeting with the Red Hates?
Bubblishouz......water slides? where did you come up with that idea at? What a cool thing to add to a BBQ or family get together. Sound like it would tons of fun. Do you have different kinds that you can rent for defferent themes?
OK kids time for coffee and shower. I wish you all a great day.
Lusty Lu
~~~~YAWN~~~~ My goodness I'm so sleepy this morning and I don't know why. I didn't go to sleep too late last night and I even overslept this morning. I think that might be the problem though. I overslept and woke up and had to jump out of bed to get ready for work. I like to leisurely wake up and start the day. Now I have to make it through a whole day without falling asleep. I think that might be hard to do today.
Not anything special on the agenda today. Just a long day at work and then home after. I think Mike has a seminar this evening. I'm not even sure. Guess I'll have to talk to him later and find out. I have no idea what I'm going to have for dinner, but I can certainly assure everyone that if he's not home, it will be something completely simple that doesn't take much effort.
I'm getting so excited about our TGGA weekend. Lu and I always just have the best time when we go away together. There is nothing better then to have a relaxing weekend away with a best friend. My friendship with Lu is one of the best things that happened to me thanks to OH. We never would have met had it not been for this board.
Oh well, time to get to work. Hope everyone has a great day. Whether at work or at home, make it the best day you can. It certainly is a beautiful day out weatherwise. Enjoy the day.
Steph Good morning Lu and the rest of California,
Hey Lu, My visit with SmurfSmurf went well. I hope I helped her. I think she will do fine. She is a very nice person. Her husband is going to have the surgery too in a few weeks. My lunch with the Redhats was fun. The cashier at Sizzler was not the nicest, but we had a good time talking and planning future events. Saturday we are riding the Amtrack to Hanford and having lunch with a group down there and then some shopping at a Redhat store there. I have never been on a real train, on the one at Disneyland! I am glad you are happy with your new tattoo. I know you and Steph will have a great girls get a way weekend wherever you go.
Well I hope everyone has a great day!
Well I hope everyone has a great day!