~~Daily Thanksgivings~~
I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace, harmony, health, love, and abundance. Then, whenever doubt, anxiety, or fear try to call me, they will keep getting a busy signal-and soon they’ll forget my number.
Edith Armstrong
Good Morning Cali Friends, what are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for...
1. A great visit with my physician yesterday and perfect lab results!
2. My Dr. telling me my diabetes is virtually gone!
3. My Dr being thrilled with my health in general and telling me "I'll see you in 6 mos! Keep on doing what you're doing."
OK your turn, what are you thankful for today?
Edith Armstrong
Good Morning Cali Friends, what are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for...
1. A great visit with my physician yesterday and perfect lab results!
2. My Dr. telling me my diabetes is virtually gone!
3. My Dr being thrilled with my health in general and telling me "I'll see you in 6 mos! Keep on doing what you're doing."
OK your turn, what are you thankful for today?
Hi Barb and all,
Barb, congrats on the numbers and your health. That is just plain awesome. I hope to be where you are soon.
Today I am thankful for.......
1. An aunt who is staying with my mom full time. This allows me to still have some normalcy in my life
2. A beautiful day to go wine tasting in the Santa Cruz Mountains
3. My mom, who even though she's slowing down, I can still have a good conversation with.
4. All the people in my life who want to help me during this crazy time.
Barb, congrats on the numbers and your health. That is just plain awesome. I hope to be where you are soon.
Today I am thankful for.......
1. An aunt who is staying with my mom full time. This allows me to still have some normalcy in my life
2. A beautiful day to go wine tasting in the Santa Cruz Mountains
3. My mom, who even though she's slowing down, I can still have a good conversation with.
4. All the people in my life who want to help me during this crazy time.