Just got back from the doctor.
Thank you Dolores! I will have fun with the kids this weekend. I have to tell y'all a cute story. My grandson has always loved the Baby Einstein DVDs. Well now he pretty much likes to watch the puppet shows on them and move on to the next. Well on Baby Monet, which he calls Purple Zebra it shows the Purple Zebra finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Well the parrot dressed in a suit comes and takes the pot of gold away and you hear adding machine noises in the back ground and he returns an empty pot of gold and then gives the Purple Zebra 1 gold coin back. Ryan asked me what happened, so I told him the Purple Zebra found a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and the tax man came and took it away and gave him only 1 gold coin back. He was watching this with his mommy and he told her the story I had told him. She wasn't understanding all of his words and then my son remember what I had told him and they got the biggest laugh. That old tax man he ruins every ones fun!
How are you feeling? Has Miss V started her new school yet? I hope she likes it.
How are you feeling? Has Miss V started her new school yet? I hope she likes it.