Off Topic: Severe Injury Before Surgery
About a week and a half ago, Just before I was to leave for an appointmennt with my Surgeon to discuss my RNY surgery date etc... (INS Approval was done about two weeks now.)
My left leg/ hip decided to go out from under me and I had a nasty fall. Hurt my back, hip, arm, etc... Damn, good grief and stonger language!!! @@##*** NOW I have to wait unti my back and hip heal enough for me to get around without a walker or wheelchair. Also I cannot even get my own pants on/off etc... The icing on the top of it all is needing to wear Adult Briefs due to severe loss of bladder control. GGGRR. X-Rays, MRI, etc continueing to figure out what damage was done and what to do about it.
I am seeing a chiropractor and Primary Doctor and will be going to Urologist soon. The Chiro seems to be helping somewhat, along with ice packs and vicodin and resting.
I really wanted to share on here because I feel like Crap !!!! I have not been on OH since the adccidnet over a week or so and miss you all on here.
Please say whatever sort of prayers and good thoughts you can for my speedy recovery.
Thanks. amy (written at 1am because I cannot sleep due to pain, etc...)
I'm so sorry and can relate to what your going through.I had a severe fall 9 yrs ago and damaged my lumbar spine. If some of the discs in that area is herniated, it causes loss of bladder function. Injury to the Psoas muscle also causes horrible hip and back pain. MRI would tell if any discs are herniated and your Dr or PT can check if your psoas muscle is the problem by palpitating the area. Good luck.