~~Daily Thanksgiving~~

on 4/18/10 10:21 pm
When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.

Alexander Graham Bell

Good Morning Cali Friends, what are you thankful for today?

Today I am thankful for..

1.  All the newbies on our OH Cali forum who bring us "old timers" inspiration and encouragement to continue and keep up on our journeys.

2.  A nice weekend, relaxing.

3.  The doors of change that are standing before all of us.

OK your turn, what are you thankful for today?
on 4/18/10 10:50 pm
This quote is so true!  I just stepped through one door last week into a new me!!

Today I am thankful for:

being home and sleeping in my own bed!

great family who stepped in while I was gone!!

a wonderful hubby who supports me whatever I decide to do!!

eached goal ~ its all about maintaining now!
on 4/19/10 1:57 am - Merced, CA
Welcome home and I am glad you are doing so well! I bet MissV is so happy to have her mommy home!

Bebaugh (Elizabeth)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard    

on 4/19/10 4:31 am
Hi Elizabeth,
yes she is happy to have us both home.  She stayed yesterday with my brother, mom had to fly home.  My dad is not doing well.
eached goal ~ its all about maintaining now!
on 4/19/10 12:14 pm - Merced, CA
I am so sorry your dad is not doing well. How old is he? Keep us posted on how he is doing.

Bebaugh (Elizabeth)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard    

on 4/19/10 1:58 am - Merced, CA
Today I am thankful for. . .

A wonderful weekend!

The beautiful weather.

The start of a new week.

Bebaugh (Elizabeth)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard    

on 4/19/10 3:07 am - Pinole, CA
Good Morning!  I love the quote.  Its amazing how many doors seem to be flung wide open in front of me now!!!

Today I am thankful for...

A wonderful and gorgeously sunny weekend.  I got time to relax, take care of business, and have some fun!!! yay!

A new week which is shaping up to be busy, which means the time will fly by to the Luncheon.. and then the week after to vacation! super YAY!

New opportunities and experiences!

Love & Hugs all around!!! Can't wait to see everyone at the Luncheon this weekend!!!

Deb B.
on 4/19/10 6:31 am - East Bay Area, CA

Awesome Quote Barb!

Today I am thankful

1) My Stormy is having her puppys....1 boy so far!  So dang cute!

2) lots accomplished on our sunny weekend

3) Family dinner tomorrow night and all my kids will be here


on 4/19/10 7:31 am - Concord, CA
Gratz on the puppies.
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