Good Mornign Calif

Living Life
on 4/14/10 10:11 pm, edited 4/14/10 10:12 pm - Riverside, CA
Good Morning Calif........

Its a bit early still, but I could not sleep anymore. I guess I had enough for one nigght.

So yesterday I had my doctors appointment about my thumb. Let me know tell ya, it was about time. For sure! So after he abused me for a few minutes he says "I am going to give you a shot" So he explain that whole thing and I will was thinking, This is going to help. Of course, the pain of the shot and the pain of the aftermath. OMG! I wanted to hurt someone. I could not stand the pain after the numbness went away. He told me this would happen, and to just get pass that part and I would be happy with the results. I can promise you I did not beleave him last night. But this morning, its not so bad. Its only about double the normal size and there is still alot of pain, but nothing like yesterday. I can move it without thinking of cutting it off. The injection site still hurts like nobodies business, but even that is better then yesterday. Let see how it feel after 12 hours of work. Of if I even make it 12 hours. Since today is my 8 hour  day, I will wait and see how it feels after about noon before I make up my mind about staying.

Steph........I am surprized Mike don't want to know where we are going to so he can post bail when we need him to. LOL Or is he going to leave us sittiing there? Wooooo Whooo.........only a few short hour left for you. Yeah steph!!

Gus..........Good morning are you and Anna doing? Are you ready for the weekend to get here?

Elizabeth.........I seen that we both posted, but you was a few minutes before me, But I posted and ran, I had to take the "Kids" to vet. So I didn't check anything, I should have deleted mine. OH well. twin Peaks sounds like it could be a nice walk. To bad you are so far away, it could be fun to get a group together and take the walking touring.

MsBlue........WOW and I thought working the ER was crazy. Your days sound way to busy for me. But if you like your job, like I like mine, then it works for you. Keep up the great work.

OK kids, time for coffee and shower. I wish you all a great day. Be smart in all you do.

Lusty Lu

OHHHH I almost forgot. Please Please, take a peek at my support page, the walk is this weekend and I could really use YOUR help.
on 4/14/10 10:26 pm
Good Morning Lu and Cali Friends,

So glad your thumb is on the mend and feeling better today.  Those shots can hurt for sure but hopefully the results are positive and long acting.

One more day and then the weekend, I am SO glad.  This has been a week at work, as the Joint Commission came in this past Monday and so work was a little hectic.  For those of you who do not work in Health care, this is the accreditation for the hospital and it is very important.  They come in to make sure that the hospital is adhering to the standards, which is a good thing.  All in all, they were quite complimentary and we only have a few things to re mediate and no major infractions, so we were pretty well prepared.

Tonight I have a rehearsal after having 3 weeks off.  UGH, it will be a challenge to get my behind out of the house but I'll do it.  Our last concert is about 4 weeks away and then I will have to decide if I am going to participate in the July 4th Pops Band or not.  Huh, decisions, decisions.

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful day and remember to do something nice for you today.

on 4/14/10 10:31 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Lu and Cali,

I am loving this time of the year.  Work is so busy preparing for state tests and final that the weeks just fly by.  I am ready for summer and chilling at home with my baby girl.  Still hard to believe I have a 2 year old.

Eveyone enjoy the day


Stephanie O
on 4/15/10 1:11 am - Happy Place, CA

So good morning Lu and the rest of California,

So, in case you didn't know.  Today is April 15th.  Tax season is over.  Life shall return to some semblance of normalcy.  OMG, I'm so freaken happy.  This has been a very long 3 months.  But it's over and at 1PM today we will be sitting in the Spaghetti Factory drinking and unwinding and just taking some deep breaths.  Tomorrow is a day off as we always close the office the day after the end of tax season.  I have a nice long weekend ahead of me.  A busy one, but a long one.

Will be going to Orange County tomorrow to take my son out for his birthday dinner.  Then Saturday and Sunday Mike and I must finish the big house clean up.  His brother and sister in law arrive next Tuesday.  Oh I also have to remember I have a hairdresser appointment on Saturday morning. Fresh hair color always makes me feel good.

So time for me to get some last minute work done here.  Just some final extensions to e-file and make sure everything that needs to be done is done by 1PM.  Because, TAX SEASON IS OVER!!!

Have a great day.  I know I will.

on 4/15/10 2:39 am - Los Angeles, CA
Good Morning,

Lu- glad to hear that your thumb is doing better.  Sorry that you had to endure so much pain.  That has to suck big time.

Cali- Last night I was running around like a chicken with my head had been cut off, but I had fun.  First, I stopped by my BIL'S house to look at his bonsai trees.  Since he stopped smoking cigars, he has taken up the hobby of pruning and cultivating bonsai trees.  He has 4 of them in his back yard on a make shift stand of wooden boards and cement blocks.  They look really nice. 

Afterwords, I went to Alamitos Bay Yarn Company to purchase more yarn for this jacket.  OMG, I bought 4 more hanks (that is how the yarn is situated-looks like a big loop) of this expensive crap.  I pray that I will not need but 2 of them.  This is the most expensive project that I have ever done, but once it is finished it will be so worth all of the $$ and effort.  While I was there, I stayed for drop in help for another cardigan that I am working on.  I need to attach the pocket lining to the body of the sweater.

After that, I stopped to get something to eat and then proceeded to my locktician's house to pay her the rest of the money due for retightening my hair.  She did my hair on credit last weekend and I could not thank her enough.

I got home late and went to bed later.  So, if you will excuse me, I have to start a caffeine IV drip.

Have a great day!

Without struggle, there is no progress.

Gus H.
on 4/15/10 2:43 am - La Puente, CA
Hey there everyone.....yes, Anna and I are going to have a great weekend!  Can't wait....Today is Thursday and that's all I'm asking for....HA HA
on 4/15/10 6:37 am, edited 4/15/10 6:38 am - Merced, CA
Lu I am glad your thumb is feeling better. It is time for your luck to change! I think it is OK for both of us to post for www, we got a really good response this week.

Today I am with my babies. They have been a bit on the cranky side this morning. Devan did not sleep well and she really fought going to sleep this afternoon. She was so tired but did not want to stop long enough to fall asleep. When she realized I was not going to let her get out of my lap while I was rocking her she closed her eyes and was out. Ryan told me he doesn't feel good today. I believe him he has not been near as active as usual.

Well that is my day today and tomorrow I go in the afternoon and get a pedicure. I can't wait. I am also going to have my face waxed. I will look nice afterward but I hate the during!

I hope everyone has a great day today!

Bebaugh (Elizabeth)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard    

on 4/15/10 8:38 am - CA
Hey everyone,

Just a quick hi as I have been running all day. It has been a busy day, but it is flying by, and today is my Friday. I have 4.5 hours left and then I'm off for 5 days. I can't wait. My friend and I are headed into San Franciso tomorrow, to hang out. Looking forward to it. Well, hope you all enjoy the rest of your afternoon.


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