So excited!!!!

on 4/14/10 10:12 am
I had my consult today..yay! ...I just need my pysch which could not be scheduled sooner than May 3rd..argh!...was told I could call everyday to see if they had a cancellation...i feel like camping out the pysch's office!..and I also need a support group mtg. doing that tonight. After i have done that the approval is sent to insruance for surgery approval. I am ecstatic! ...sorry but had to tell someone aside from sister and hubby no one really cares and is more against it than I needed to tell those who are going through the same thing and understand. I am sooo close to beginning my new journey!
on 4/14/10 11:53 am - Concord, CA
Congratulations!  Every step closer is exciting.
on 4/14/10 12:10 pm
YAY You!!! Why in the name of all that is Holy would your family not want you to do something that has the potential to help you live a long healthy life? I'm sorry for that. DId you have to have 2 Psych consults? My apt. says Preliminary psych apt.? Did you have to lose weight before you could have the surgery? I am really struggling to lose the total 25 pounds that I have to before I can even get on the wait list. Are you going to have to be on a wait list? Sorry about all the questions.....I have a million!!! You should be able to count this forum as a support group I think.
Once again YAY You:)
on 4/14/10 12:18 pm - Merced, CA
Congratulations! I am glad things went well today. Don't let other people burst you bubble. Just ignore them. You have to do what is best for you. I am so happy I had this surgery most of the people will tell you they would do it over again!

Bebaugh (Elizabeth)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard    

on 4/15/10 12:00 am
Hi mtzladybug
      I don't need 2 pysch evals or to lose weight. What my insurance wanted was for me to attend a 6 month bariartic education program. After that I was told I would be given the referral to the surgeon.  I know my PCP had a checklist; 

I. Meet requirement for surgery by 
     a) body mass index of 40 or higher
     b) no substance abuse for atleast 6 months
     c) mammogram w/in year of surger (for women over 40)
     d) age (patient be between 18 and 65)

II. Required 6 month supervised weight loss
    a) Bariatric Education Program completion date
    b) Three visits with PCP during 6 months

III. Medical Clearances for surgery
    a) cardiac clearance: (this was for people w/ diabetes and over 40 yrs.)
    b) GI clearance (this was for people over 40 and history of reflux)

I completed my class on 3/15 and had an appt. w/ PCP 3/29, on 4/1, I received referral for surgeon. Called them they gave me 4/14 date, now waiting for pysch eval on 5/3.  Advised once that is done whole package will be send to insurance for approval. 

I was not asked to lose any weight, but i also know my PCP kep telling me I needed to get off the soda. I fianlly stopped cold turkey on 1/11 and haven't had any since. 

I was not aware the process would be this fast! My co-worker's was a 2 yr. process, othersthat were in the class are scheduled for surgery next week already!...I wish you the best of luck and hope everything goes by fast for you too.

on 4/19/10 5:44 pm - CA
I am so excited for you! Today I had my orientation for Kaisers options program so I am easily 7 months from getting a surgery (if everything goes right) so I really appreciate how far you've come! When unsupportive people get you down just remember that you have a whole bunch of people here rooting for you that you've never even met!! You are awesome!!
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