Awww Weclome to Twisted Tuesday

Living Life
on 4/13/10 2:23 am - Riverside, CA
Good Morning calif......

I can not believe I slept in this morning. Yesterday wiped me OUT!! WOW. Once agian they moved to a other unit and asked me to train someone. WTF! That would be like putting any of you in my ER and asking you to train someone. YOU might be ok by yourself, but to train, Come on! Then it being a monday. We had 13 discharges and 4 admits. I can fumble my way throu it and make it work for me, but to teach someone. UGH! I felt sorry for her. But she seemed to just float along with me. I hope she returns today. LOL how was the commute to and from work? I hope it was dry and safe for you. I am a zombie. And I have so much I would like to get done and I want to go the gym tonight and swim they have the pool open and its a new sal****er system
So do tell, what was the mystore trip?? I can not wait to hear about it and how much fun you had. 

Monica.....I hope you have to good news today about your furlough and that they vote against them.

steph.........Use a ladder? or have him sit down. LOL. A pat on the head once in awhile and you should do that now. Just two more working days and your life is relaxed for bit.

Gus.........we had a tiny bit of rain here, just enough that I wont have to feed the turtle or water the plants. The air is clean and fresh. Today is a starting out nice.

Eileen........glad you are feeling better. Was it just a summer cold or flu or what? I had my hernia reported then went golfing and ran a 5k (4 day after surgery) and mine is back. Not that I will go back to my doctor, he will laugh at me to NOT listening to him. LOL

Puddin.........I love my crockpot and use them often. I have two, one small one and the other is bigger for ribs or chicken. I again with the wonderful smell they greets you with when you open the door.I think I am going to try yous reciepe and sounds good.

Msblue...........I bet your mom is going to remember the board walk for a long time. It will give her some happy thoughts. I am so happy you got that time with her also. Non hurl rides? what are they? lol

Amy..........I have always wanted to try one of them mub runs. Maybe I will do it with you next year. LOL. This weekend I am walk with some friends at Knotts Barry Farms. Its there frist one, so it should be LOTS of fun. You can click the link below and read about. I hope you hear about your date soon. Good Luck

OK time to start my day. I wish you all a great day.

Lusty Lu
Gus H.
on 4/13/10 2:58 am, edited 4/13/10 2:58 am - La Puente, CA
Good morning to everyone!  It's such a nice crisp day today and I'm hoping it stays that way even though I love the rain.

Have a twisted day!
Katt M.
on 4/13/10 4:01 am - Fontana, CA
Good morning Lu and Cali. Nothing much on the horizon this morning. I do have to go to the courthouse and see about getting an extension on serving a former tenant with a small claims suit. Other than that, not much going on. Still looking for a job, which sucks. I wish I could just get to working already. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great day. And remember; be good to yourself, and each other.
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Stephanie O
on 4/13/10 5:09 am - Happy Place, CA

Good morning Lu and everyone else too,

Having a day off sounds like such a wonderful luxury.  I can't wait for Friday.  Actually I can't wait for Thursday.  Hopefully we can get out of here early although that hasn't happened the last two years.  Something seems to always come up and instead of leaving at noon and all going out for a celebratory lunch, we wind up ordering in pizza and not being able to leave until about 4PM.  With any luck maybe this year will work the way it's supposed to and we'll be at a restaurant getting drunk and being very happy.  Either way, really, we'll be happy when we don't have to get up and go to work on Friday.

Today is my baby boy's birthday.  26 years old.  YIKES.  I made my happy birthday phone call to him and he was so funny.  Even he couldn't believe he's 26.  He said he just never appreciated being 15 when he was there.  He wanted to be all grown up so I couldn't tell him what to do anymore.  Now he says he wouldn't mind me telling him to go to his room to do his homework.  That wouldn't be so bad.  LOL  He's so funny sometimes.

So my little Minky is doing ok.  Mike took him to the vet this morning and they took the drain out and all looks good.  We just need to keep giving him the antibiotics until they are finished.  Last night however, Button just wanted to "play" with him.  At least I think it was play but Button tends to play a bit rough so I had to yell at him to leave Minky alone.  He gave me the funniest look and then I swear just stormed out of the room and went and sat down in the kitchen.  So I looked at him and said, "if I give you cookies, will you leave him alone?". He heard the word cookies and walked over to shelf where we keep them.  So I gave him his "cookies", he ate them up and then went back into the living room gave Minky a "dirty" look and got up on the couch and went to sleep.  Sometimes these animals terrify me.  They're smarter than I am and they know it.  LOL

OK, time to get back to work.  Actually time for some lunch.  Hmmm...what to have.  Now that is the question of the day.  Oh well, I'll find something.  Hope everyone has a great day.


on 4/13/10 6:34 am - Santa Cruz, CA
Hi Lu and Cali Crew,

Lu, sorry work is so messed up for you. Logic doesn't apply sometimes. I so appreciate the fact I work in a sane and logical environment.

Work is at a fast clip today. I interviewed an applicant for a job I have opening on May 3. I have a new person on staff whose attention to detail is beyond normal and is getting on my nerves, but I'll work through that. I am not taking a lunch break so I can leave early and join my mom at her best friend's house for a dinner party tonight. I am missing my eating disorder's support group tonight to do that, but I think they'll understand.

I also have to pay bills tonight!!!

Take Care all! Have a good Tuesday.

on 4/13/10 7:15 am - Merced, CA
I had a wonderful time yesterday. We went to San Francisco. We had lunch at a mall though. It was a popular restaurant though I think it was called Boudin. They make sourdough bread. I did not eat any bread though. I had ordered chili and ham and cheese sandwich before we went well someone wrote down spring salad and turkey and cranberry sandwich. I ate the turkey. Luckily I had cheese and almonds with me  and my protein water so I got enough protein in. Then we went to the top of Twin Peaks. It had beautiful view of the city and the bay. Then we did some driving around the city, the driver pointed out sites of interest. and ended up Pier 39 and did a little bit of shopping. I got my babies each a jacket, t-shirt, and small tote bags. Luckily the rain had stopped by the time we got to the city. We played games on the way and my friend won a lot of prizes. That made her very happy. So we really  had a good time. I am glad we went.  We want to go back when we have more time and shop some more and go to the Golden Gate Park and Nob Hill. I would love to see the Victorian Mansions. They won't let buses go to the top of Nob Hill anymore. I would not mind going back to that Mall either! Our shopping is so limited in Merced.

Today I am with my grandkids. Ryan is napping and Devan is playing. She took her nap earlier. She has gotten a new tooth since last week. Tomorrow I am going to spend with my DH. I don't know what we are going to do yet but we will have a nice day together.

Well Lu I hope you get some rest today. My sister has a sal****er pool. The girls get raw spots from the salt when they swim though. I have heard that the sal****er is really good for you.

I hope everyone has a really great day. We are now above average on rain fall, but I think we still need more!

Bebaugh (Elizabeth)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard    

on 4/13/10 9:01 am - CA
Good Afternoon Cali Peeps,

I'm being totally lazy right now, sitting on the couch having a coffee and watching tv. I love afternoons like this. I did go to the gym this morning and had a great workout with my trainer, and then met a friend at the farmers market. After that, I hit the grocery store with all good intentions to do some cooking this afternoon, but haven't gotten there yet. Tomorrow, I'm going to do some yard work. Hopefully it is a bit warmer out, not that it's cold out here, I'm just having a cold day. Can't seem to get warm. I hope you are all having a fabulous day!!


on 4/13/10 10:07 am, edited 4/13/10 10:08 am - Los Angeles, CA

The only thing that I would do differently is to season my ground beef with a little cumin.

Try it and tell us how it turned out.  Be sure to use the big one.  Raw cabbage and potatoes take up a lot of room.

Without struggle, there is no progress.

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