Two weeks post op

on 4/12/10 10:24 pm
Hey Cristi,

You're doing a great job, keep up the good work and you'll be on more sold foods and driving in the blink of an eye.  Then you'll be way too busy again!   Great job on walking too.  I know how long you waited for your surgery and you're on your way now!  Congrats and keep up the good work!  You go girl!

Cristi A.
on 4/13/10 1:46 am - CA
 Thanks Barb.  Just got back from my walk and voting in my local election.  Life is moving forward and I am grateful.  Thanks for the prayers and support!

Cristi A.

on 4/13/10 6:48 am - Santa Cruz, CA
Hi Cristi,

Hang in there with the liquids. I guess each surgeon is different, but I was able to eat soft foods pretty quickly after surgery, like 3 days after. Stuff like cream of chicken soup and yogurt, but follow your sugeon's program.

It's great you're already walking, but take it slowly. I didn't rest like I should have and pulled a major muscle along my ribs and hurt for 2 weeks. 
Make sure you drink your water, take your vitamins (very very important), and get in your protein. I know you know this, but when I was only 2 weeks out, everyone gave me friendly reminders.

I am looking forward to hearing about your progress.

Cristi A.
on 4/13/10 10:02 am - CA
 Thanks MsBlues--fortunately my surgeon considers strained cream soup and yogurt as liquid.  I would love a turkey or salmon patty--but I am into following orders so that I continue to move towards good health.  Thanks for the reminders!

Cristi A.

on 4/13/10 10:47 pm - Long Beach, CA
Cristi I haven't been around much so I totally missed you having your surgery, but how thrilled am I for you that this finally happened.  Truly a blessing.  Also glad to hear you are doing well.  I look forward to seeing you at coffee.


Cristi A.
on 4/14/10 1:43 am - CA
 Thanks Monica!  Yes I finally made it to the loser's bench on 3/29. Have my follow-up MD appt this pm.  Other than endurance, I think I am doing well.  I am looking forward to LB Coffee too!

Cristi A.

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