~~Daily Thanksgiving~~

on 4/11/10 10:29 pm
Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.

Roger Crawford
Good Morning Cali Friends, what are you thankful for today?

Today I am thankful for...

1.  A wonderful weekend, spent with family and friends.

2.  The rain, we do need it and I hope it continues to go like gangbusters during the night and when I'm at work and is nice when I have to drive in it!

3.  My poor hubby who is fighting the creepy crud and finally going to see the Dr.

4.  That our very own "D" is doing so well.  Hope to see you soon!

OK your turn, what are you thankful for today?
on 4/11/10 10:47 pm - Merced, CA
Barb that is an excellent quote! It is so true!

Today I am thankful for. . .

The rain we need it so badly!

Time with good friends yesterday.

Time with good friends today.

My family.

Bebaugh (Elizabeth)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard    

Katrina F.
on 4/12/10 12:37 am - So.Cal, CA
Today I am thankful for...

My Granddad getting better one day at a time.

My family who is the biggest support the world has ever seen

My husband who loves me no matter what my size, cause its me.


God bless our troops

on 4/12/10 1:56 am - Garden Grove, CA
Hello and Good Morning Barb

Today I am thankful for.....

1) For my wonderful husband, children and grandchildren
2) Family, Friends and all the people who have said one or two words that encouraged and supported me through this amazing journey.
3) Life itself.

Have a wonderful week!
The lightbulb coming on and returning me to reality relative to grazing.

              ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

It sure is good C'ING LESS OF ME!


We could learn a lot from crayons: 
some are sharp, some are pretty, 
some are dull, some have weird names, 
& all are different colors....but they

ALL exist very nicely in the same box.


(Author Unknown)


on 4/12/10 3:19 am - Santa Cruz, CA
Hi all,

Today I am thankful for......

1. My extended family being in town and my mom being well enough to enjoy them
2. My boss at work and his willingness to let me be around my family during this tough time
3. My warm house
4. My cats who seem to provide more companionship than I could have ever imagined

on 4/12/10 3:51 am - Pinole, CA
Good morning! Today I am thankful for...

Getting so much done this weekend and being all packed for vacation!
Meeting my exercise goals last week and off to a good start this week!
The pool at the YMCA!
Work that's not too crazy stressful.

Have a great day everyone!  Love & Hugs!!!
on 4/12/10 4:58 am
great quote Barb,

Today I am thankful for the afternoon at the mall getting my walking in.

For feeling good on day 5 of post op.

For Ms V getting to go home today and be with daddy.
eached goal ~ its all about maintaining now!
on 4/12/10 8:11 am - Hercules, CA
Well said...

Today I am grateful for my family and my brother who came over sat for dinner and stayed the weekend to help us install our new TV, which we had to get because my daughter forgot to put on her wrist strap for the Wii remote and it went flying into the plasma screen. OOOOPS.

Grateful that we were able to buy said new TV.

for the lbs I lost this weekend.

to finally go back to work.

for each day that I am able to wake up and get out of bed.

have a great week everyone!

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